Westvale Park, Horley

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council is working with Surrey County Council and a consortium of developers to build a new neighbourhood called Westvale Park in Horley.

When complete Westvale Park, will have 1,510 homes, supported by a variety of on-site infrastructure.

At the heart of Westvale will be a neighbourhood centre, which will include a primary school and nursery, community hall and shops.

Primary school and nursery

A new two-form entry primary school and integrated nursery has been built at the heart of the neighbourhood centre.  

The school, known as Westvale Park Primary Academy, was built by Surrey County Council, and was opened by Aurora Academies Trust in September 2020.

Westvale Park Primary Academy has 60 admissions per year and caters for children aged 2-11 years.

For more information visit Home | Westvale Park Primary Academy

Neighbourhood hall

A new neighbourhood hall is currently being built within the neighbourhood centre.

Due for completion in April 2025, the new neighbourhood hall will provide an important venue for community activities where people can come together.

When finished, the building will be owned by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.

The Council wishes the new neighbourhood hall to be run by a third party and in early 2025 will be seeking expressions of interest from organisations.

The Council is also looking to let some of the space within the neighbourhood hall to a local General Practitioner, subject to terms being agreed.

Neighbourhood shops

Within the neighbourhood centre, there will be a series of buildings that will include ground floor commercial space to let for retail, café and other uses, as well as 80 flats on the upper stories.  

The construction of the neighbourhood centre shops and flats is being led by Taylor Wimpey and works began in December 2024 with a planned completion in August 2026.

New homes on the Westvale Park development

Play areas

A range of children's play areas are being provided in Westvale Park.

To date twelve play areas have been opened and one further play area, at Nurses Corner, is due to open by late November 2024.

Once complete, all the play areas will be owned and managed by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.

To report any issues with Council play areas please visit Report it | Reigate and Banstead

Riverside Green Chain

Westvale Park will benefit from significant open space that will form part of what is known as the Riverside Green Chain.

The Riverside Green Chain will be an area of open space, that will protect the riverine environment, provide space for informal recreation, and form an important wildlife habitat.

The open space is being completed in phases.The new Knowles Road play area at the Westfield Park development

Two phases of the Riverside Green Chain have now been completed and a third phase is due to be completed by June 2025.

Once complete the Riverside Green Chain land will be owned and managed by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.


Two new allotment sites are being provided in Westvale Park.

Works to create the first of the new allotment sites began in November 2024 and will complete by February 2025.

On completion the two allotment sites will be owned and managed by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.

To find out more information on the Council's allotment sites and to get onto the waiting list please visit  Our allotments and how to get started | Allotments | Reigate and Banstead.

Bus Services

There are currently two bus services that serve residents in Westvale Park – the 422 and 424. The 422 will be replaced in 2025 by the Fastway 100 service that will link Maidenbower to Redhill.

More informationView of path, fencing, grass and tress in the Riverside green chain

The Consortium of housebuilders are:

Relevant documents

Planning applications

You can use the planning application search facility for more information on this development by simply searching on a postcode or Westvale Park.

Useful references:

  • North West Sector (Westvale Park) Outline planning application (04/02120/OUT)
  • Neighbourhood Centre and Neighbourhood Hall reserve matters application (04/02120/RM3C)
  • Allotments planning application (04/02120/OUT)
  • Riverside Green Chain Phase Two reserve matters application (04/02120/RM1G)


Westvale Park Residents Association

  • The Residents' Association (RA) is a local group, made up of local residents who represent the interests of everyone living in the area. They are set up for everyone to join and membership is open to all local residents (tenants and leaseholders). For further information email: info@thewestvaleparkra.org.uk.

Specialist Property Asset Management Ltd 

  • This is the management company for Westvale and Karen McIntyre is Property Manager. There is a dedicated team that will be able to discuss any issues that the residents may have, and they can be contacted at propertymanagement@specialistpm.com.

Westvale Consortium

  • Mark Dadswell at Westvale Consortium. Mark and his company are responsible for delivering the infrastructure on Westvale Park on behalf of the Consortium of housebuilders and can be contacted at mark.dadswell@allendadswell.co.uk.

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council

  • Natalia Achilleos, Senior Planning Officer, is responsible for determining all planning applications related to the site and ensuring the delivery of the Section 106 agreement for the development and can be contacted at Natalia.Achilleos@reigate-banstead.gov.uk.

Surrey County Council (SCC)

  • SCC is responsible for ensuring that all highways, drains, footpaths, cycle paths are built to an acceptable standard and that public transport is provided to the development. They will eventually adopt and be responsible for some of the roads that run through the development and some of the street lighting. 
  • Until the roads and their lighting are adopted by SCC they remain the responsibility of the developers. Any problems should be directed to the Westvale Consortium to the contact details above.
  • When the roads are adopted please report any highways issues on SCC's roads and transport page.
  • When the lighting is adopted you can report street lighting issues on SCC's street lights page.


Any other enquiries

For any other enquiries, email regeneration@reigate-banstead.gov.uk for further information.