Publication Scheme and guide to information

The Freedom of Information Act - GOV.UK requires the Council to adopt and maintain a publication scheme, which has been approved by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

The publication scheme is a guide to the information that the council publishes as a matter of routine and its aim is to make the majority of information available to you so that you do not need to make a specific request to us.

It is our intention that the scheme will encourage the publication of more information than we are required to publish under existing legislation and to develop a culture of greater openness.

The model scheme covers the following classes of information:

Description Where available
Your Council - organisational information, structures, locations and contacts Who we are and what we do
Finance - financial information about projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit What we spend and how we spend it
Council Policy - strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews What our priorities are and how we are doing
Consultations - decision-making processes and records of decisions How we make decisions
Plans and Policies - current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities (usually linked to from the relevant sections) Our policies and procedures
Public registers and registers held as public records - public registers and registers held as public records Lists and Registers
A to Z of services - provided by the Council Services provided by the council

Guide to information

The council’s website is the best source of information that is routinely made available. Information can be located by using the navigation structure, sitemap or search box.

Where it is not possible to publish certain types of information on the website, it can be accessed in person or where possible, electronically upon request. See the contact us via our online form for details.