Pre-application planning advice
Pages in Pre-application planning advice
- 1. You are here: Pre-application planning advice
- 2. Non-Householder enquiries
- 3. Charge exemptions
- 4. After submitting your request
Pre application advice charges
Pre-application planning advice
Our pre-application advice service is offered to householders, professional agents and developers.
Pre-app advice on householder only enquiries for example:
- Alterations to dwellings
- Extensions to dwellings
- Erection of domestic outbuildings
Cost £107 for written advice. Click on the Pre-application Planning link advice form (Word or PDF) below, to complete and submit your query and then make a payment on our Planning Application Fee payment page.
Desk duty householder pre-application meetings are currently unavailable until further notice.
Cost £161.50 for a meeting with written advice. Please note this option is not available from the link below. Click on the Pre-application Planning link advice form (Word or PDF) below, to complete & submit your query and then make a payment on our Planning Application Fee payment page.
Please note this service does not include:
- Proposals involving new dwellings
- Conversions
- Changes of use
Which should be referred as non householder enquiries.
Forms sent by post should be addressed to: Town Hall, Castlefield Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0SH or email to