Open data transparency

We are committed to being open and transparent about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services provided. As part of this commitment we publish the following relevant data to increase democratic accountability and to comply with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 - GOV.UK.

Asset management The council has an in-house asset management service, which is part of the Legal and Property Services department. You can view Asset Register dataset on the Asset management webpage.
Contract Register

The Contract Register contains details of contract and framework agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000.

Fraud and Corruption transparency

Information about our activities around fraud investigation: Fraud and corruption - transparency

Gender Pay Gap

We are required to publish information about our gender pay gap as at 31 March of each year. This is published a year in arrears: Gender Pay Gap data

Geographical open data Search and download geographical data published by the council, via the open data webpages.
Pay Policy Statement

The statement sets out the Council's approach to pay for the forthcoming financial year, as well as demonstrating the ratio between the highest paid salary and the mean average salary of the Council workforce (Pay multiple): Pay Policy Statement 2024-2025 (PDF)

Payments to suppliers

Information and reports for our payments to suppliers and other creditors over £250.

Top 3 Tiers of Management

The page below provides a list of senior staff in the top levels of the Council. This includes the job title and salary to the nearest £5,000 bracket (inclusive of any salary enhancements). The data is correct as at 1 April and is published once per year: Top 3 Tiers of Management.

Trade Union Facility Time

The Council is required to provide sufficient time off (Facility time) for employees who are also union representatives, to undertake a number of roles such as representing their members in disciplinary and grievance cases, engaging in formal consultations on restructuring and redundancy proposals, and undertaking negotiations as part of the Council's local collective bargaining arrangements. 

Union representatives in services also play an important role in resolving issues between their members and management at an informal level, which is important to the organisation as issues are resolved before the need for formal procedures. The amount of facility time taken by union representatives is published once per year: Trade Union Facility Time (PDF).