Published Wednesday, 30th June 2021

Surge testing in the borough of Reigate & Banstead to identify and contain rising cases of Covid-19 is now complete in the general population.

Additional PCR testing will continue in key secondary schools in the affected areas this week.

Initial data shows that more than 10,000 people came forward across the two affected areas to be tested – which is a phenomenal turnout – and reflects the strong community spirit of residents. Thank you to everyone who participated – and especially those who self-isolated because of a positive test - to help keep our communities safe.

Leader of Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Cllr Mark Brunt said: “Our businesses and residents have responded to our ask yet again. I am grateful to, and proud of, the thousands of people who turned up at the mobile surge testing sites during the past week or so – many braving some very wet conditions to do their bit. We knew it was a big ask but we also knew we could rely on our residents to respond to the challenge. Thank you for all your efforts.”

Results are being co-collated and analysed by health partners and will be published in the coming days.

Thank you again for playing your part in keeping your communities safe. 

Although the surge testing is complete, rates are still high and rising across much of Surrey, so it’s still important to follow the public health guidance of Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air measures. Please take up your vaccine offer, test yourself twice a week using the lateral flow tests readily available and if you have symptoms, get a PCR test.

You can read more about the surge testing operation in our recent news item Surge testing to be deployed to control spread of Covid-19 variant.