Published Wednesday, 15th April 2020

The transformation of our closed Harlequin Theatre into community support centre to assist vulnerable residents during the coronavirus crisis featured on last night’s Channel 5 News.

They talked to Council Leader, Cllr Mark Brunt; Duane Kirkland, our Head of Wellbeing and Intervention and community volunteer, Claire Van As, who was matched with us through Voluntary Action Reigate & Banstead.

It’s great to see the hard work of our staff and volunteers, and our suppliers and donors recognised in this way.

The centre, which has been operational for just over two weeks is distributing food, medicines and essential supplies to hundreds of residents in need.

Watch the report here, to see the work going on behind the scenes while the curtains are down.

You can read more about the work of the Harlequin community support centre in our recent news item.

Visit our Coronavirus pages for information and advice, services updates and details of the support available.