About Safer Redhill

Safer Redhill brings together the Council, Surrey Police, YMCA East Surrey and other local organisations, businesses and residents to address antisocial behaviour (ASB) in the town centre and encourage people to take pride in Redhill.

Redhill is growing. Alongside established local businesses, new developments, such as The Rise, which includes The Light cinema and entertainment venue, are transforming the town centre and attracting more visitors from further afield. We want to make sure that all residents and visitors can enjoy the great things Redhill has to offer safely and responsibly.

Surrey remains the fourth-safest county in England and Wales and the crime rate in Reigate & Banstead borough is generally lower than the Surrey average. However, we know there are some areas of Redhill and particular times of the day where certain offences are more likely to occur, such as shoplifting and ASB.

Creating safer communities 

The Safer Redhill programme is implementing new safety measures alongside existing community safety activities around the town centre:

Safer Streets funding

A successful bid by Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend, the Council and Surrey Police secured £265k of the government’s Safer Streets funding for Redhill. This will pay for a programme of activity that will continue to March 2025, including:

  • practical improvements in the town centre which are being informed by research with local residents
  • targeted youth outreach work by YMCA East Surrey, and two-thirds of the cost of their new youth bus
  • ASB training for council officers and other community partners, such as Street Pastors
  • targeted police and council activity to address specific areas and behaviours that are of concern to residents.

Clear, Hold, Build

As part of improving safety in Redhill, police, partners and the community are adopting the College of Policing’s ‘Clear, Hold, Build’ framework to reduce the harm caused by crime in the town and contribute towards building more resilient communities.

This activity takes place over three stages and aims to bring communities together as part of a long-term commitment to root out anti-social behaviour and serious and organised crime and importantly sustain a reduction in crime.

  1. Clear - initial targeted police activity to ‘clear’ offenders from the area
  2. Hold - a period of sustained intervention to ‘hold’ the area free from crime
  3. Build - this phase is driven by the community and will focus on prevention and addressing the root causes of ASB and crime

Surrey Police's proactive operations to target and remove criminals operating in the town resulted in 56 arrests along with the recovery of drugs, cash and knives. You can read more about this on Surrey Police's website and this short video shows some of the activity that took place over two months in spring 2024:

Redhill PSPO

The Redhill town centre public space protection order (PSPO),  which includes Memorial Park, was renewed in 2023 and extended to cover the Clarendon Road car park. It gives the council and the police extra powers to tackle ASB in the area. 

Anti-social behaviour

For more information about anti-social behaviour - what it is and how we deal with it - visit the Antisocial behaviour section of this website.