Reigate & Banstead Sports Awards
Pages in Reigate & Banstead Sports Awards
- 1. Reigate & Banstead Sports Awards
- 2. You are here: 2025 award categories and criteria
- 3. Become a sponsor
- 4. 2024 winners
2. 2025 award categories and criteria
Nominees must reside or be part of a club within Reigate & Banstead Borough and nominations can be in more than one category, as long as the nomination meets the agreed criteria.
Volunteer of the Year
Sponsor: TBA
This award is for an individual volunteer administrator, coach, official, or general helper over the age of 18, who has:
- Demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment to a sport or club, to improve the lives of their local community.
- Shown a commitment to personal development, team working and supporting the development of other volunteers.
- The award recognises the contribution that a volunteer has made in their chosen sport or activity in 2024.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- What role(s) has the volunteer undertaken in 2024 and how many hours a week do they volunteer.
- How has the volunteer encouraged more people to participate in their sport/physical activity and what impact have they made.
- What qualities has the volunteer demonstrated that sets them apart from other volunteers.
Young Volunteer of the Year
(aged 18 or under as of 31 December 2024)
Sponsor: TBA
Volunteers are a key part of grassroots sport across the borough. This award gives special recognition to the efforts of a young person who is:
- Making a huge difference to their local community through sport or activity.
- A clear leader and role model in their sport and has shown a commitment to their own personal development, as well as supporting the development of other volunteers.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- What role(s) has the volunteer undertaken in 2024 and how many hours a week do they volunteer.
- How has the volunteer encouraged more people to participate in their sport/physical activity and what impact have they made.
- What qualities has the volunteer demonstrated that sets them apart from other volunteers.
Changing Lives Award
Sponsor: TBA
This award goes to a sports club, team or individual, of any age, who has gone above and beyond to empower and inspire people from diverse communities to take part in sport / physical activity over the last 12 months.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- What is the background of the nominees involvement in sport/physical activity.
- Please give examples of their commitment and impact to sport and physical activity.
- How has this nominee provided opportunities for people from Lower Socio-Economic Groups, Black, Asian Minority Ethnic Communities, Disabled People and People with Long-Term Health Conditions (LTC) to take part in sport.
Sports Person of the Year
Sponsor: TBA
This award aims to recognise an individual over the age of 18 in Reigate & Banstead who has achieved individual success or has made a huge difference to their team over the last 12 months. The winner will be a role model and clear leader, setting a good example to others.
Sporting achievements are not limited to trophies or medals. Success could include improvements in performance throughout the year, personal commitment and sacrifices to increase progress, or special circumstances / barriers that have been overcome by the athlete.
Young Sports Person of the Year
(aged 18 or under as of 31 December 2024)
Sponsor: TBA
This award aims to recognise a young person in Reigate & Banstead who has:
- Achieved individual success or has made a huge difference to their team over the last 12 months.
- The winner will be a role model and clear leader, setting a good example to others their age.
- Sporting achievements are not limited to trophies or medals. Success could include improvements in performance throughout the year, personal commitment, and sacrifices to increase progress, or special circumstances / barriers that have been
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Please list and detail the main achievements results and ranking information.
- Please outline how they have progressed in their sport over the last 12 months.
Coach of the Year
Sponsor: TBA
This award recognises the outstanding contribution of a coach in their community. This is an individual coach who has:
- Inspired people to take part in sport more regularly, and helped people to start or stay, in sport and physical activity over the last 12 months.
- Used innovative coaching methods and techniques to have a greater impact in their coaching.
- Set themselves apart from other coaches and instructors - please outline their main achievements in 2024.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Why does this coach deserve to win this award?
- What have their coaching highlights been?
- How has this coach shown personal growth?
- What does this coach do to promote the sport to the wider community of Reigate & Banstead?
Club of the Year
Sponsor: TBA
This award goes to a sports club or group who have achieved success or a continued high level performance in its own sport or activity over the last year.
This award is for a club that has:
- A proven record of encouraging people to participate and new players to develop in their sport or activity, as well as continually supporting existing members to stay within sport and improve their skill level and performance in 2022.
- Used innovative ideas to promote, adapt or enhance its programme) and/or facilities to make them accessible to the whole community, including under-represented groups (for example females, people with a disability, people from disadvantaged backgrounds or minority ethnic groups).
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Why does the club deserve to win this award?
- What have been the teams sporting highlights over the last 12months?
- How do they develop their players and coaches?
- How do they promote sport to the wider community of Reigate & Banstead?
Team of the Year
Sponsor: TBA
The Team of the Year award is given to the team that has performed exceptionally well throughout the last 12 months.
This is a team that has:
- Demonstrated fair play and a good sporting attitude
- Showed significant improvement from previous years.
- Through their efforts, this team has brought great pride to Reigate & Banstead and showcased the sporting talent on offer in the borough.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Why does this team deserve to win this award?
- What have been the teams sporting highlights over the last 12months?
- How have they demonstrated fair play and good sporting behaviour?
- What have been their sporting highlights over the last 12months?
- Does this team promote the sport to the wider community of Reigate & Banstead?
Junior Team of the Year
Sponsor: TBA
This award recognises a junior sports team (aged 18 or under), that has performed exceptionally well throughout the last 12 months.
This is a team that has:
- Demonstrated fair play and a sporting attitude
- Showed significant improvement from previous years.
- Through their efforts, this team has brought great pride to Reigate & Banstead and showcased the sporting talent on offer.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Why does this team deserve to win this award?
- How has this team performed over the last 12months?
- How have they demonstrated fair play and good sporting behaviour?
- What have been their sporting highlights over the last 12months?
Senior Citizen Sport Award
Sponsor: TBA
The Senior Citizen Sport Award is for a sportsperson, aged 60 or over, who has continued to be involved in sport and who has achieved an exceptional degree of success.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Why does this nominee deserve to win this award?
- What have their sporting highlights been?
- How have they or how have they helped others achieve sporting success?
Inclusive Sport Award
Sponsor: TBA
This award recognises how an individual who has increased opportunities for disabled people in Reigate & Banstead to participate in sport or physical activity.
This individual has:
- Devoted time and resources to the development of inclusive sport.
- Overcome barriers to excel in sport.
- Been a role model for people with additional challenges in sport.
- Worked in partnership with others to increase opportunities.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Why does this individual deserve to win this award?
- How has this individual overcome barriers to excel in sport?
- What does this individual do to promote the inclusive sport to the wider community of Reigate & Banstead?
Sustainability in Sport Award
Sponsor: TBA
This award recognises a commitment to improving the environment or reducing a carbon footprint. This might be efforts to reduce emissions by saving energy or a change to renewable energy. It could be attempts to use fewer natural resources such as water or food or eliminating single-use plastics. It might be that an individual or group has worked to protect or improve green spaces or it could be changes made to adapt for future climate changes? It might also be considering transport to away games or events – is there car-sharing or using public transport?
This award is not just about the scale of your nominee’s sustainability achievements, we would welcome applications that are small scale but have been initiated through a desire and motivation to ‘do your bit’. We would also look favourably on those who have had an impact or influence on others within the sporting organisation or broader groups.
This individual or group has:
- Used initiative to make changes to their equipment, clothing, club or playing area.
- Influenced others to make changes to behaviour or environment for the good of the environment.
- Introduced changes to established practices or methods for a more sustainable future in your club or sport.
Questions to think about when writing your application for this award:
- Was the group / individual motivated by a desire to improve things for a more sustainable future?
- Was the impact of their ideas or actions noticeable / measurable?
- Do their ideas / actions or changes still maintain a positive legacy for the good of the environment?