Draft budget 2024/25 proposals - fees and charges

7. Budget consultation fees and charges - Planning


The table below contains the currently proposed list of changes to fees and charges for planning in 2024 to 2025.

Please note that there may also be changes to nationally set fees and charges for statutory planning elements.

Category Item 2023/24 Fee 2024/25 Fee Percentage Change
Pre-Application Charges  Housholder Advice (Alteration or Extension)
Written Pre-Application Advice
£100.00 £107.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Housholder Advice ( Alteration or Extension)
Meeting with Written Pre-Application Advice
£150.00 £160.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Minor Proposals (Single dwellings or Replacement dwelling)
Written Pre-Application Advice 
£250.00 £267.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Minor Proposals (Single dwellings or Replacement dwelling)
Meeting up to 1 Hour and Written Pre-Application Advice 
£400.00 £428.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Minor Proposals  (2-4 dwellings)
Written Pre-Application Advice
£500.00 £535.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Minor Proposals (2-4 dwellings)
Meeting up to 1 Hour and Written Pre-Application Advice
£700.00 £749.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Minor Proposals (5-9 dwellings)
Written Pre-Application Advice
£750.00 £802.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Minor Proposals (5-9 dwellings)
Meeting up to 1 Hour and Written Pre-Application Advice
£1,000.00 £1,070.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Minor Works (Alterations/shopfronts/signs/increases below 40sqm)
Written Pre-Application Advice
£150.00 £160.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Minor Works (Alterations/shopfronts/signs/increases below 40sqm)
Meeting up to 1 Hour and Written Pre-Application Advice
£250.00 £267.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges More Significant Works (Over 40sqm, Change of use and Telecoms)
Written Pre-Application Advice
£250.00 £267.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges More Significant Works (Over 40sqm, Change of use and Telecoms)
Meeting up to 1 Hour and Written Pre-Application Advice
£350.00 £374.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Major Proposals (10-25 dwellings)
Meeting and Written Pre-Application Advice
£2,500.00 £2,675.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Major Proposals (25+ dwellings) Bespoke Fee Bespoke Fee 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Site Visit to be undertaken by Case Officer £100.00 £107.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges  Follow-Up written advice on minor amendments (minors/majors only) £150.00 £160.50 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Additional Charges: Site Visit to be undertaken by Case Officer additional £100.00 £107.00 7.0%
Pre-Application Charges Additional Charges: Follow-up written advice on minor amendments (minors/majors only) £150.00 £160.50 7.0%