Schedule of Registers/Information for Local Land Charges Searches CON29

Please note all items are subject to VAT at 20% and costs below do not include this.

Enquiry 1, Planning and Building Regulations

1.1a Planning Permissions

1.1b Listed Building Consents

1.1c Conservation Area Notices

1.1d Certificate of lawfulness of exiting use or development

1.1e Certificates of lawfulness of proposed use or development

1.1f Certificates of lawfulness for proposed works to listed building

1.1g Heritage Partnership Agreements

1.1h Listed Building consent order

1.1i Local Listed Building consent order

1.1j Building Regulation Approvals

1.1k Building Regulation completion certificates

1.1l Competent person self-certification schemes

The above information is publicly available from 1974 on the Councils website bar exclusions listed. If you require Local Land Charges to access the information for you there is a £2.68 charge for each point.

1.1g – k inclusive - Not on public registers £2.68 per point

1.1k If a copy certificate is required £10.70

1.1l Certificates/Notices are not issued by RBBC.

1.2 Planning designations and proposals

The adopted Core Strategy 2014 (Reviewed 2019) and the Development Management Plan 2019

You can view our DMP on our Development Management Plan webpages.

Surrey County Councils’ Surrey Minerals Plan, Core Strategy 2011 & Surrey Waste Plan 2008 remain relevant as part of the borough’s development plan. Further details and copies of the relevant documents may be obtained from Surrey County Council

If you require Local Land Charges to access the information for you re. our Development Management Plan there is a fee of £5 + VAT.

Enquiry 2, Roads and Public Rights of Way

Enquiry 2.1 – 2.5 Roads and Public Rights of Way

Information is available directly from Surrey County Council who are the highway authority for this Borough. Email:

Enquiry 3, Other Matters

3.1 Land required for public purposes

This information is available by consulting the Local Plan which is available at the Town Hall or via the Councils website. £2.68 for Local Land Charges to answer.

3.2 Land to be acquired for road works

This can be answered by Surrey County Council Highways Team, email:

3.3 Drainage matters

At present there is no requirement for the Council to adopt SuDS and as such all SuDS will be in the ownership of the developer/landowner or transferred to the property owner. Planning conditions may be imposed on individual planning applications requiring developers to make arrangements for long term management and maintenance for SuDS.

Long term management and any financial arrangements for the maintenance of SuDS is the responsibility of the developer/landowner who may choose to make arrangements for financial contributions towards SuDS maintenance from property owners.

Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act (2010) that would have made the County Council a Sustainable Drainage Systems Approval Body (SAB) and responsible for the approval, adoption and maintenance of sustainable drainage systems on certain developments has not been enacted by Government. Our records do not allow for the provision of comprehensive answers in relation to this question. It is advisable that the purchaser undertakes checks of planning approvals, S.106 Agreements and with the vendor to establish whether any sustainable urban drainage systems are in place at the property. SuDS may be applicable to major developments over 1000sq m or 10 dwellings or more

3.4 to 3.6l inclusive roads / traffic / railways

Answered by Surrey County Council.

3.7 Outstanding Notices

3.7a Building works

3.7b Environment

3.7c Health and Safety

3.7d Housing

3.7e Highways

3.7f Public Health

3.7g Flood and coastal erosion risk management

3.7 a – notices are not issued by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council

3.7b – d & f are not on public registers. £2.68 per point to answer

3.7 e and g  not answered by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, contact

3.8 Contravention of Building Regulations £2.68 to answer

3.9 Outstanding Notices

  • a) Enforcement Notices
  • b) Stop Notices
  • c) Listed Building Enforcement Notice
  • d) Breach of Condition Notice
  • e) Planning Contravention Notice
  • f) Any other Notice relating to breach of planning control
  • g) Listed Building Repairs Notice
  • h) In case of listed building deliberately allowed to fall into disrepair a compulsory    purchase order with a direction for minimum compensation
  • i) Building Preservation Notice
  • j) Direction restricting permitted development
  • k) Order revoking or modifying planning permission
  • l) Order requiring discontinuance of use or alteration or removal of building works
  • m) Tree Preservation Order
  • n) Proceedings to enforce a planning agreement or planning contribution

3.9 a-n are not on Public Registers. £2.68 for each point

3.10 Community Infrastructure Levy  (CIL)

(a) Is there a CIL charging schedule? – yes, please visit our CIL charging schedule webpages.

(b) If, yes, do any of the following subsist in relation to the property, or has a local authority decided to issue, serve, make or commence any of the following:

  •    (i) a liability notice
  •    (ii) a notice of chargeable development?
  •    (iii) a demand notice?
  •    (iv) a default liability notice?
  •    (v) an assumption of liability notice?
  •    (vi) a commencement notice?

(c) Has any demand notice been suspended?

(d) Has the Local Authority received full or part payment of any CIL liability?

(e) Has the local authority received any appeal against any of the above?

(f) Has a decision been taken to apply for a liability order?

(g) Has a liability order been granted?

(h) Have any other enforcement measures been taken?

B - h not on public register. £2.68 per question/point

3.11. Conservation Areas

Does the following apply in relation to the property?

(a)  the making of the area a Conservation Area before 31 August 1974
(b)  an unimplemented resolution to designate the area a Conservation Area?

3.11 a Information available on our website.
3.11 b Information available from Planning Department

Price £2.68 for Local Land Charges to answer

3.12 Compulsory Purchase

Has any enforcement order or decision been made to compulsorily purchase or acquire the property? 

In respect of orders or decisions made by Surrey County Council. Information is available directly from Surrey County Council, highway authority for this area. Email

In respect of all other orders and decisions, information available from Legal Department at Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.

Price £2.50 each for Local Land Charges to answer.

3.13. Contaminated Land

Do any of the following apply (including any relating to land adjacent to or adjoining the property which has been identified as contaminated land because it is such a condition that harm or pollution of controlled waters might be caused on the property)

(a) a contaminated land notice;
(b) in relation to a register maintained under section 78R of the Environmental Protection Act 1990

  •    (i) a decision to make and entry
  •    (ii) an entry

(c) Consultation with the owner or occupier of the property conducted under section 78G(3) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 before the service of a remediation notice

Information can be found on the Councils website. Where an entry is placed on the Register it will appear on the website.

If you require a contaminated land report contact the Environmental Department. There will be a charge for this service. Email

3.14. Radon Gas

Do records indicate that the property is in a “Radon Affected Area”  as identified by Public Health England or Public Health Wales?

This information is available from indicative maps provided by the Health Protection Agency and also via the Councils website. £5 for Local Land Charges to answer.

3.15. Assets of Community Value 

(a) Has the property been nominated as an asset of community value? If so:

  •    (i) Is it listed as an asset of community value?
  •    (i) Was it excluded and placed on the “nominated but not listed” list?
  •    (iii) Has the listing expired?
  •    (iv) Is the Local Authority reviewing or proposing to review the listing?
  •    (v) Are there any subsisting appeals against the listing?

Information available on our website. £2.68 per point for Land Charges to answer

(b) If the property is listed:

  •    (i) Has the Local Authority decided to apply to Land Registry for an entry or cancellation of a restriction in respect of listed land affecting the property?
  •    (ii) Has the Local Authority received a notice of disposal?
  •    (iii) Has any community interest group requested to be treated as a bidder?

(b) i & iii This information is available from the Legal Services team

(b) ii - Information available on our website £2.68 per point for Land Charges to answer

Useful Contacts