Mayor's Trust Fund - privacy notice

Who are we?

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council are the data controllers and collect your data in order to process your fund application. We will only collect the personal data from you we need, in order to make this assessment and provide this service to you.

Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data is any information that relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Personal data which we collect includes your name, address, date of birth, telephone number, financial details and email address.

How do we collect and use your personal data?

If you contact us or apply for funding, we will collect personal data about you and other people connected to you and also collect personal data on application forms.

We will keep your personal data up to date and store it securely. We will put appropriate technical measures in place to protect it from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure, and not collect or retain excessive amounts of personal data.

If you provide us with personal data of people who will benefit from your funding, we will treat this data in the same way. You must tell the individuals and if they have any questions about this, you must refer them to this privacy notice.

What is the purpose and legal basis for storing and using your personal data?

The legal basis we rely on to process your personal data is article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR, which allows us to process personal data when this is necessary to perform our public tasks as local authorities. We will not be able to process your funding application without the personal data you provide us with. We are also a public body with a statutory duty to distribute funds for good causes. We process your personal data as a necessary part of exercising this official authority vested in us.

We will not collect and use personal data for purposes beyond our statutory duties except where we have your consent or notified you of the relevant legal basis for processing.

Sharing your personal data

We may share your personal data with trusted partners; the Trustees of the Mayor’s Trust Fund; and the Revenues and Benefits Department to help us to carry out our grant giving activities.

The council, including the Mayor’s office are required by law to protect the public funds they administer. We may use any of the information you have provided for the prevention and detection of fraud. We may also share information with other bodies that are responsible for auditing or administering public funds, including the Cabinet Office. The Cabinet Office requires councils to participate in data matching exercises to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. Businesses which support our IT software and systems may also have access to personal data. In each case, we will only share personal data needed to carry out their work and will do so subject to appropriate safety measures that are designed to ensure your personal data remains secure and is only used for the intended purpose.

We may also share personal data with government departments like the benefits agency and council tax support for the purposes of verifying the funding application.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes described in this notice or otherwise allowed by law. When we have held your personal data for the maximum time allowed by data protection laws, we will destroy it securely.

Your rights around your personal data

Your personal data is protected by legal rights. These include the right in certain circumstances to:

  • request a copy of your personal data held by the Fund;
  • ask for your personal data to be erased, for example, if we no longer need it for the purpose we collected it;
  • request that we suspend the processing of your personal data, for example if you want us to establish whether it is accurate or the reason for processing it;
  • object to the processing of your personal data where we are processing it in the exercise of our official authority.

If our processing of your personal data relies on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and the right to ask for your personal data to be transferred to another organisation (known as the right to data portability).

For more information or to exercise your data protection rights please contact our Data Protection Officer using the contact details below.

If you are unhappy about how your personal data has been used please refer to our complaints' policy. You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office – contact details below - which regulates the processing of personal data.

Contact Details

If you have any questions, queries or complaints, and to exercise your personal data rights, please in the first instance contact the Mayor’s Office at

If your query is not dealt with to your satisfaction please contact the Data Protection Officer at

You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office: