About Westvale Park
Pages in About Westvale Park
- 1. The new neighbourhood
- 2. You are here: Further information and contacts
- 3. Expression of interest - neighbourhood hall
2. Further information and contacts
The Consortium of housebuilders are:
- Crest Nicholson
- Taylor Wimpey
- Fabrica (owned by A2 Dominion)
- Charles Church (owned by Persimmon)
Relevant documents
Planning applications
You can use the planning application search facility for more information on this development by simply searching on a postcode or Westvale Park.
Useful references:
- North West Sector (Westvale Park) Outline planning application (04/02120/OUT)
- Neighbourhood Centre and Neighbourhood Hall reserve matters application (04/02120/RM3C)
- Allotments planning application (04/02120/OUT)
- Riverside Green Chain Phase Two reserve matters application (04/02120/RM1G)
Westvale Park Residents Association
- The Residents' Association (RA) is a local group, made up of local residents who represent the interests of everyone living in the area. They are set up for everyone to join and membership is open to all local residents (tenants and leaseholders). For further information email: info@thewestvaleparkra.org.uk.
Specialist Property Asset Management Ltd
- This is the management company for Westvale and Karen McIntyre is Property Manager. There is a dedicated team that will be able to discuss any issues that the residents may have, and they can be contacted at propertymanagement@specialistpm.com.
Westvale Consortium
- Mark Dadswell at Westvale Consortium. Mark and his company are responsible for delivering the infrastructure on Westvale Park on behalf of the Consortium of housebuilders and can be contacted at mark.dadswell@allendadswell.co.uk.
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
- Natalia Achilleos, Senior Planning Officer, is responsible for determining all planning applications related to the site and ensuring the delivery of the Section 106 agreement for the development and can be contacted at Natalia.Achilleos@reigate-banstead.gov.uk.
Surrey County Council (SCC)
- SCC is responsible for ensuring that all highways, drains, footpaths, cycle paths are built to an acceptable standard and that public transport is provided to the development. They will eventually adopt and be responsible for some of the roads that run through the development and some of the street lighting.
- Until the roads and their lighting are adopted by SCC they remain the responsibility of the developers. Any problems should be directed to the Westvale Consortium to the contact details above.
- When the roads are adopted please report any highways issues on SCC's roads and transport page.
- When the lighting is adopted you can report street lighting issues on SCC's street lights page.
- Details of the commercial lettings can be found on SHW’s website Coming Soon: Mixed-use opportunity - Horley | SHW. Please contact Adam Godfrey at SHW agodfrey@shw.co.uk.
Any other enquiries
For any other enquiries, email regeneration@reigate-banstead.gov.uk for further information.