Delivering change in Horley town centre

Pages in Delivering change in Horley town centre

  1. 1. Delivering Change in Horley Town Centre
  2. 2. You are here: Horley High Street, subway and Central car park improvement plans
  3. 3. Frequently Asked Questions
  4. 4. A community vision for Horley

2. Horley High Street, subway and Central car park improvement plans

The Council is proposing improvements to Horley High Street, subway and Central car park so that they better serve local people, are more welcoming and to help boost the local economy.

Horley subway drainage works - July and August 2024

Network Rail largely completed drainage improvement works to Horley Subway in August 2024 when the subway was closed for five weeks. 

The works aim to reduce future flooding issues, to help keep the subway useable and improve safety.

The scheme included installing a new pumping system, drains and water catch pits, to help take water away more quickly.

Works to connect the new pumps to an upgraded power supply are still to take place.  As an interim measure, Network Rail have temporary pumps in place to manage water levels within the subway.

Central car park civil and landscape improvements - June 2024

The first phase of works to improve the look and feel of the car park completed in June 2024 and included line marking, pedestrian routes, resurfacing of the access road and installation of larger parking bays for families.  The new beds for trees and shrubs will be planted later in the year during planting season. 

Art in the subway – May 2023

Following the public engagement on the High Street improvements in February, the Council has worked with artists to develop themes for mural style artwork in the Subway. Three ideas are presented and we are asking residents, businesses and stakeholders to give their comments and feedback on each theme.

These themes are informed by what residents said about Horley in the engagement carried out last year by Thinking Place and are intended to represent the identity and special characteristics of Horley.

Engagement - February 2023

We shared more detailed designs for the High Street and subway improvements, shaped by what people have told us in the previous two rounds of engagement, along with plans for Central Car Park for the first time.

If you have any additional suggestions or comments, please email:

High Street and subway engagement - autumn 2022

In autumn 2022, we shared details of how the plans for the High Street and subway were shaping up as a result of what people told us in the first consultation. These initial designs were on show at Horley Library from mid August to mid September 2022.

Engagement summary report – spring 2022

Thank you to everyone who took part in our first stage of engagement in spring 2022. We received almost 400 responses.

You can read a report of the summarised findings below:

Following the survey we:

  • updated traffic and parking surveys
  • looked how any proposals would affect existing junctions and neighbouring streets
  • spoke to key stakeholders like Horley Town Council and Horley Town Management Group
  • worked with Surrey County Council to review the findings of the Reimagining Horley visioning work to ensure that the outcomes and priorities are integrated with our proposals.

Initial proposals – spring 2022

Initial ideas were on display online and at Horley Library, along with opportunities to ‘meet the team’ in Horley precinct to find out more. The consultation ran from 21 February to 14 March.

What happens next

The Borough Council will continue to work with Surrey County Council and the design team to develop the proposals further.

Other engagement - Re-imagining Horley

Engagement on our High Street and subway plans builds on the recent conversations with residents and local stakeholders to develop a community-led vision for Horley that reflects the aspirations of the local community. See the Community vision for Horley page.