Our temporary accommodation
Pages in Our temporary accommodation
- 1. About our temporary accommodation
- 2. You are here: Paying your rent
- 3. Reporting repairs
- 4. Our Landlord Performance
2. Paying your rent
The below information is for Reigate & Banstead temporary accommodation households only.
Residents living in Reigate & Banstead Borough Council temporary accommodation are responsible for paying a weekly or monthly rent charge. You will find this amount on your tenancy agreement.
If you are struggling with your rent, please inform us immediately. We are keen to support you to sustain your tenancy and can refer you onto further debt and money related support as required.
If you do not pay your rent and do not engage with support, then we will have no choice but to take steps to evict you from the accommodation. If you are evicted, your housing duty will also end. We will not provide you with any further accommodation and you will be fully responsible for making your own arrangements.
Your rent may change each year. Any change will take place at the beginning of each financial year at the beginning of April. You will be informed of your new rent charge in advance. If you are claiming Housing Benefit, the Benefits team will be informed of any change.
How do I pay my rent?
To make a payment, you have three options:
Option 1: bank transfer
You can make a direct bank payment from your bank account, just as you would any other online bank payment.
You will need your:
- rent account number which is on your rent letter in your tenancy pack (if you cannot find this number let us know)
- credit/debit card
Option 2: website
You will need your:
- rent account number which is on your rent letter in your tenancy pack (if you cannot find this number let us know)
- credit/debit card
- email address
Any payment made via the website will generate a receipt that will be sent to your email inbox. Make sure that you keep these emails as proof of payment.
Option 3: phone
You can make payments over the phone by calling the Housing Advice Line. Call 01737 276 790, available Monday & Friday from 10am - 12:00pm and 2pm - 4pm & Tuesday - Thursday 10am - 12:00pm, to request this service and you will be transferred to an Accommodation Officer, depending on their availability. Alternatively, you can arrange this directly with an Accommodation Officer if you wish.
You will need your:
- rent account number which is on your rent letter in your tenancy pack (if you cannot find this number let us know)
- credit/debit card
Can I apply for Housing Benefit?
Yes. Housing Benefit will pay on all of our Temporary Accommodation units provided that you meet the criteria. All claims are assessed by the Benefits Team. They will take all your income and savings into account when making a claim. The more income you have, the less Housing Benefit you will be entitled to. Any Housing Benefit you are awarded will be paid directly to the Housing Team every week. Please note that if there is any part of your rent that is not covered by Housing Benefit, you are liable to pay this amount too. For example, if your weekly rent is £150 and you qualify for £75 weekly Housing Benefit, then you must pay £75.
To make an application for Housing Benefit, you must complete the form in the link below.
Any benefits towards your Temporary Accommodation costs are always met by Housing Benefit. They are never paid via Universal Credit Housing Costs. If you are receiving any Housing Costs from Universal Credit, you must update your journal urgently and inform both your Accommodation Officer and the Benefits Team.
You must also inform Housing Benefit if there is a change in your circumstances that affects your income or who is living with you; for example if you find a job or if you have another child. You will need to fill out the 'Change of Circumstances' form in the link below.
If you are struggling with your rent and you are claiming Housing Benefit, you may be able to make an application for a Discretionary Payment (DHP). These are extra payments for people who receive Housing Benefit who need some additional temporary help to meet their rent payments. These are not intended to be long term payments and they are only ever awarded on a short term, case-by-case basis while you take further action to improve your circumstances. Please see the link at the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions regarding your rent, please call us on our housing advice number on 01737 276790 or email us at RentTeam@reigate-banstead.gov.uk