Planning constraints

When determining your planning application there are a number of constraints which may have to be taken into account, these might restrict or limit the type of development that can be carried out. Listed below are some of the main constraints that apply to our borough and links to pages for further information:

Flood risk

In areas prone to flooding applicants will need to provide a flood risk assessment showing how the development addresses flood risk.

Contaminated land

Where previous uses of land have contaminated the site, applicants will be expected to carry out an investigation of the site, and to remediate any contamination found so that it is safe for future occupants, and does not pollute adjoining land or watercourses. The council has produced specific guidance on the subject - Contamination final guidance (PDF).

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

Trees that are of public amenity value may be protected by tree preservation orders. For further details click on the link.

Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest. They are normally based on one or more listed buildings, which together with their immediate surroundings create an attractive environment. New development needs to preserve or enhance their special character.

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

The Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty contains landscape of national importance for everyone to enjoy. Countryside Management and planning controls are used to protect the special character of this area. If you live in an AONB you will need to apply for planning permission for certain types of work which do not require an application in other areas.

Article 4 Directions

Some permitted development rights may have been removed by an Article 4 direction or a restrictive condition placed on the original permission for your house or estate. For instance, permitted development rights for temporary stationing of caravans or storage of cars have been removed around Gatwick Airport; and permitted development rights for fencing have been removed on some speculative plot land development. This will mean that you have to submit a planning application for work which normally would have been permitted development. Article 4 directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened.

Article 4 directions can be found on our website under the 'Where I live' section. Please search for a specific address and click on the 'My Maps' tab and then turn on the Article 4 direction under Planning in the drop-down map filters.

Article 3 restrictions on Permitted Development rights

A useful guide outlining Permitted Development rights can be found here. You should also check on previous planning permissions for conditions that may limit Permitted Development rights for a site.

Listed buildings

A listed building is one that has been judged to be of nationally important historic or architectural interest. Listed buildings are protected from demolition or alteration. Listed building consent is required to carry out any works to them. Reigate & Banstead also maintains a list of buildings of local historic or architectural interest.