Call for Sites

Call for sitesWhat is the Call for Sites?

The Call for Sites is an opportunity for anyone to suggest sites for development to the Council. The sites are then assessed in the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) and/or considered for inclusion on the Brownfield Land Register.

Who can make a Call for Sites submission?

Anyone can suggest a site for development. When you submit a site, you will be asked about your connection to the site and the details of the landowner(s). The submission must include a map of the site and a copy of the Title Deeds. 

What types of developments will be considered by the Council?

For the HELAA, proposals for all types of housing and economic development will be assessed. This covers a broad range of development types and planning use classes, and could include, but is not limited to:

  • Market housing;
  • Affordable housing (as defined in NPPF Glossary);
  • Specialist housing, for example; housing for older people
  • Sites for people or communities wishing to build or commission their own homes;
  • Sites for Travellers
  • Economic development uses – this could include a wide range of planning uses but for example could include retail, leisure, cultural, office, warehousing and renewable energy developments

For the Brownfield Land Register, only sites for housing can be considered for inclusion on the register. The site needs to meet the definition of previously developed land in the National Planning Policy Framework.

Where should the sites be located?

The Call for Sites is not restricted to any particular location. It can be anywhere within the borough and can straddle the borough boundary.

What size of sites are we looking for?

  • For inclusion in the HELAA, the site must be capable of delivering five or more dwellings, or for economic development the site must be at least 0.25 hectares (or capable of delivering at least 500 square metres of floor space). Traveller sites should be capable of accommodating at least one pitch or plot, up to a maximum of 15.
  • For inclusion on the Brownfield Land Register, the site must be at least of 0.25 hectares or capable of supporting at least five dwellings.

How to submit a site

Please complete a separate form for each site (and each development proposal). To submit a site for consideration, please complete the online form:

Call for Sites online form

To request this form in an alternative format please email the Planning Policy Team at or call 01737 276 178.

When does the Call for Sites take place?

An ‘open’ Call for Sites - which accepts submissions at any time - has been operating since the adoption of the current Development Management Plan in 2019. To help us collect as many suggestions as possible for the forthcoming HELAA and to obtain the latest information on previous HELAA sites, we shall be undertaking an ‘active’ Call for Sites. This shall run from 23 May 2024 to 23 August 2024. We will still accept submissions after 23 August 2024, however late submissions may not be included in the first iteration of the HELAA, and instead be held for inclusion in subsequent iterations as the HELAA responds to the evolving evidence base for the new Local Plan.

Do previously assessed or submitted sites need to be resubmitted?

Planning Officers will be reassessing sites included in the previous Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment [HELAA 2018 (DMP submission)] and assessing sites which have been submitted since the HELAA 2018. We will be in touch to request up to date information on these previously submitted sites. In the meantime, we would be grateful to receive resubmissions via the online form. This will ensure the Council has up-to-date and consistent baseline information for all sites.