Applying for planning permission: step-by-step guide for residents’

Pages in Applying for planning permission: step-by-step guide for residents’

  1. 1. Applying for planning permission: step-by-step guide for residents’
  2. 2. You are here: Top tips when putting in a planning application

2. Top tips when putting in a planning application


Submitting your application electronically via the Planning Portal has advantages for both us and the applicant:

  • it is more sustainable - no paper usage
  • it is more efficient - saves time in double keying information into the back office system and reduces the margin for errors
  • speeds up the receipt of planning applications - saves time and money as applications are received and processed much quicker

In addition, consultations with statutory and other consultees are carried out electronically and these organisations are required to view the planning documents via our website. It is, therefore, important that documents that are presented in a clear manner.

Top tips

The following tips highlight some of the key areas in which applicants and agents can help to ensure that their applications are processed promptly and information available to users on the website is clear:

Electronic working and document presentation

Tip number Tip Details
1 Use the Planning Portal website to submit your planning application electronically.

This is more sustainable, more efficient and speeds up the process.


2 When creating documents use meaningful names such as: site plan, existing elevations, proposed elevations. Also ensure that amendments have a revision number included, for example: Ex elevations Rev1. This helps to identify the documents once they have been downloaded from the website.
3 Wherever possible, ensure that plans and documents are scanned the correct way up (orientation). This will make it easier for users to view the documents.
4 Ensure that the file size of documents is kept to the minimum. Large file sizes can cause download problems for users.
5 Ensure that plans show:
  • a plan and version number
  • a scale bar
  • dimensions (in metric)
  • for amendments, a revised version number
This assists users to ensure they are referring to the correct plans as well as being able to scale plans, especially where they cannot reproduce them to the correct scale.
6 Ensure that bold, dark lines are used in drawings rather than light grey or pale coloured lines. Light or coloured lines do not replicate well when scanned or printed out and cause problems for users.

Ensuring your application is complete - main reasons for being invalid

Tip number Tip Details
7 Lack of or incorrect fee, unsigned fee cheque. Planning fees are set nationally and details of the applicable fee are published on the Planning Portal website, you can use the online Planning Portal calculator.
We are unable to validate any application unless the correct fee has been received at the time of submission.
8 Lack of location plan and /or block plan It is a national validation requirement to provide a site location plan identifying the extent and location of the site. Without this information we cannot register and deal with an application.
Frequently it is necessary to show the proposed development in the context of any other buildings on the site, or buildings and highways on adjoining land. This is best shown on a block plan, 1:200 or1:500 scale, to help us assess the impact of the development.
9 Incomplete or incorrect forms. The relevant application form should be used and completed providing all information requested. Often sections are missed which result in the application being treated as invalid. Please read through your documentation before submitting.
10 Lack of specific information, i.e.:
  • affordable housing statement
  • flood risk assessment
  • energy statement
  • loss of retail questionnaire

Different types of applications will require different levels of information and supporting documentation to be submitted.

Details of the requirements and guidance as to when specific documents are required are set out on our Local Validation List webpage.

Advice on application forms, fees and when additional information is or maybe required

Not all of the information itemised in the local lists will be required for every application. Indicative criteria and thresholds are set out below for each type of information to help applicants decide whether a particular document is required with their application in each particular case.

If in any doubt about what information or document might be required in order to meet the relevant national or local requirement, or if you have a query about the need for information specific to a proposal please contact us for advice by calling 01737 276 000.