Sustainable Energy and Energy Statements: developers’ guidance

In line with National Planning Policy the council sets the highest standards for new development across our community to minimise carbon emissions.

The Council requires in appropriate cases planning applications for new housing, whether new build or conversion, and all new commercial development, to include an energy statement.

The Council believes it is reasonable to reduce the predicted carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of new development by a minimum of 10% below current building regulations. This standard is to be achieved by the incorporation of on-site renewable energy production equipment, or energy efficiency measures or a combination of both.

It is recognised that conversions of older buildings may have difficulty meeting this standard, it will however be expected that CO2 emissions can be reduced by at least 10% below that of the existing building.

Large development sites should promote innovative approaches to heat and energy, such as district heating or combined heat and power (CHP). For all developments in excess of 5,000m2 floor space, this should be regarded as the norm.

The main options for renewable sources are:

  • solar thermal and photovoltaics
  • biomass (renewable fuels such as purpose grown energy crops and wood fuel)
  • ground source heat pumps
  • wind.

Energy efficiency and renewable energy in development - policy background.

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