Speaking at planning meetings

Pages in Speaking at planning meetings

  1. 1. Speaking at planning meetings
  2. 2. You are here: Register to speak
  3. 3. What should you say?

2. Register to speak

If you wish to speak you must register in advance of the meeting between the publication of the agenda and no later than 5pm, two days prior to the meeting (normally Monday).

Speakers are registered on a first-come, first-served basis by completing the online form below.

Request to Speak at a Planning Meeting

Requests to speak before the agenda is published will not be registered.

Contact details will be required so that people wanting to speak on the same application can be put in touch to agree a spokesperson. Registered speakers will also be advised of town, parish and/or residents’ associations who wish to speak on the same application.

Order of speaking

Registered speakers should arrive at the Town Hall by 7pm prior to the meeting for brief instruction and to familiarise themselves with the committee chamber.

The order of speaking on each item will normally be as follows:

  • introduction by planning officer
  • public speaking
  • ward members not serving on the Planning Committee
  • planning Committee members
  • answers to questions by officers
  • motion for resolution put by Chairman.

Each public speaker is limited to three minutes.

Public speakers’ own visual aids are not allowed, but plans and photographs for the application will be displayed during the meeting. Once a public speaker has finished there will be no other opportunity to speak to the Committee, nor to ask or answer questions.

You are very welcome to stay and listen to the remainder of the debate.