Licensing online application forms

7. Vehicle Hackney Carriage: new applications

Pre-application important information

Section 47 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 and  The Town Police Clauses Act 1847. 

Warning: If you knowingly or recklessly make any false statement or omit any material information you may be prosecuted for an offence and the licence may be refused.

Terms and conditions

Please read and ensure you understand and comply where necessary with the content on this page by clicking on the green terms and condition button below. By continuing to make your application, you confirm that you understand and comply (where necessary) with the information.

Vehicle Hackney Carriage New terms and conditions 
  1. You are over 21 years of age and have held a valid full UK driving licence or equivalent for at least 12 months showing your current address at the time of this application.
  2. You have access to a valid email address and account.
  3. I have read and understood the Council’s Policy and Conditions Document.
  4. I have read and understood the Council’s Application Process and have the necessary information/ documents available to enable me to make my application.
  5. I have sufficient time to make my application, 30 minutes should be ample time to make your application.
  6.  I understand that if I close my web browser or use the back buttons on my web browser rather than the buttons in the form my application could be lost and I may have to start over. 
  7. I understand that when submitting my application I am are required to declare all convictions (including spent convictions), summons and cautions that I may have.  I am aware that the Council, as Licensing Authority, is empowered in law to check for the existence and content of any criminal record held in my name.
  8. I have read and understood the Council's fees and charges relevant to my application. 
  9. I have a means of making online payment  via a credit or debit card. 

Further Information

  • Reigate & Banstead Borough Council will act as Data Controller in respect of your personal data held. We will process the personal data you have provided only for the purposes of licensing. By signing and returning this form to us, you give consent to the Council to process sensitive personal data about you where this is necessary, for example health information. 
  • Under the Audit Commission Act 1998, the Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may share this information with other departments within the Council or external organisations responsible for auditing and administering public funds for these purposes. Please note by 25 May 2018 this statement will be replaced in order to comply with the GDPR Regulations.

Cancellations & Refunds

Once you have booked your vehicle in for its checks at our Depot you will be able to cancel your booking and receive a full refund if it is made more than 24 hours before your appointment time. You will be unable to cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice. 

To make your application click on the green button below.

Licence Application

To apply for your licence please click the green button below.


Apply for a New Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence