Licensing online application forms

5. Operator: new applications

Pre-application important information

Your application is being made under Section 55 of The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. 

Warning: If you knowingly or recklessly make any false statement or omit any material information you may be prosecuted for an offence and the licence may be refused.

Terms and conditions

Please read and ensure you understand and comply where necessary with the content on this page by clicking on the green terms and condition button below. By continuing to make your application, you confirm that you understand and comply (where necessary) with the information.

Operator New Applications terms and conditions 
  1. Means of making an online payment by credit or debit card with the permission of the cardholder to do so.
  2. You have access to a valid email address and account.
  3. If applicable, Evidence of your Right to Work in the United Kingdom e.g. Passport, Biometric card etc (see point 11).
  4. If applicable, information on any offences or convictions e.g. what it was, the date and the outcome etc.
  5. Details of any previous applications to be an Operator with us or another authority.
  6. If applicable, you may need to provide details of any planning permission obtained (including reference number and date granted) that permits you to operate your proposed business from the address you provide in your application.
  7. If applicable, information on any motoring offences e.g. what it was, when it was and the points/fine received etc.
  8. If applicable, information on any criminal convictions (or other offences as described in our convictions' policy) e.g. what the offence was, the date and the outcome etc.
  9. Details of the licensed Reigate & Banstead BC vehicles you intend to operate from the premises. You will be required to upload details of these as part of your application (e.g a list).
  10. Details of the licensed Reigate & Banstead BC drivers you intend to operate under this licence. You will be required to upload details of these as part of your application (e.g a list).
  11. If applicable, electronic copies of any required right to work document or Basic/ Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check in digital form to upload. (PDF versions or photographs are fine, but the originals will need to be seen at an interview.
  12. If applicable, electronic copies of any Public Liability Insurance - only where there is provision of an area available to the public e.g. reception area/waiting area etc.
  13. Our ‘Making an Application Guidance’ document - to assist you in making your application we have developed a guidance document with handy hints and a walkthrough screen by screen of the online application process. We strongly recommend you familiarise yourself with this document prior to making our application in Stage 4. 
  • Right to work - If applicable you must have the correct immigration status to apply, and the licence will lapse if you cease to be entitled to work in the UK. Your right to work in the UK will be checked as part of your licensing application. You will be required to bring original documents, such as a passport or biometric residence permit, so that the check can take place. You will be advised further in this matter before a licence is issued. If there are restrictions on the length of time you may work in the UK, your licence will not be issued for any longer than this period. In such circumstances the check will be repeated each time you apply to renew or extend your licence, If, during this period, you are disqualified from holding a licence because you have not complied with the UK’s immigration laws. your licence will lapse and you must return it to the licensing authority. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.
  • When submitting this application you are required to declare all convictions and cautions you may have. You should be aware that the Council, as Licensing Authority, is empowered in law to check for the existence and content of any criminal record held in your name. Information received will be kept in strict confidence, will only be taken into account in relation to your application and will be retained for no longer than is necessary. 
  • The disclosure of a criminal record or other information will not debar you from gaining a licence unless we consider that the conviction renders you unsuitable. In making this decision we will consider the nature of the offence, how long ago and what age you were when it was committed and any other factors which may be relevant. If you are refused a driving licence on the ground that you are not a fit and proper person to hold such a licence you have a right of appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.  
  • Reigate & Banstead Borough Council will act as Data Controller in respect of your personal data held. We will process the personal data you have provided only for the purposes of licensing. By signing and returning this form to us, you give consent to the Council to process personal data, special category data and criminal offence data about you where this is necessary, for example health information. 
  • Under the Audit Commission Act 1998, the Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may share this information with other departments within the Council or external organisations responsible for auditing and administering public funds for these purposes. Please note by 25 May 2018 these statements will be revised in order to comply with the new Data Protection laws.


Once a licence has been granted no refund can be made. However, up to the point of issue of the licence a full refund may be granted. 

Make your Application

To make your application click on the green button below.


Apply for a New Operator Licence