Application information
Pages in Application information
- 1. All New Drivers
- 2. All Renewing Drivers
- 3. You are here: New Operators
- 4. Renewing Operators
- 5. Document Guidance
- 6. Depot vehicle appointments
- 7. Vehicles
3. New Operators
Welcome to our dedicated application advice page. This page is intended to help applicants that are considering applying for a new Operator Licence.
When you submit your application to us, you must upload or email copies of the required documents (see below) to quoting your application reference number. Once we have received all the required information, your application will be reviewed by a Licensing Officer.
This can take several weeks from your application submission. You will then be invited to an interview with a Licensing Officer. This meeting will take place online (unless told otherwise) and the meeting invitation will be emailed to you prior to the interview date.
Please read our Policy and Conditions Document as we will be using this information to guide us through the meeting. At the meeting you will be asked to show relevant documents and discuss your understanding of the following key points:
Required documents
- - Original DBS
- - Original right to work (e.g. British Passport)
- - Public Liability Insurance (if applicable)
- - Booking record system with screen shots of online record keeping or hardback, dated log book
- - Lost property log
- - Complaints log
Interview discussion points
- You will be asked to demonstrate how you will be running your business to ensure compliance with our Policy and Conditions.
- What system you will use to record your bookings. Your system needs to ensure records are suitably recorded, retained and not be able to be altered/deleted. You will need to bring examples to demonstrate how your system meets the conditions attached to a licence. This could be done by bringing in any relevant books or paperwork, printouts of screen shots or if the system can be accessed on your laptop you can screen share to give us a live demo should you wish.
- Deregulation Act 2015 in regard to sub-contracting and an operators responsibilities
- Disability awareness
- Child sexual exploitation and safeguarding measures
Below is an extract from our Policy and Conditions Document that explains some of the key the requirements we look for in relation to record keeping, vehicles and drivers.
- The record required to be kept by the operator under section 56(2) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 shall be kept either electronically or in a suitable book, the pages of which are numbered consecutively, and the operator shall enter or cause to be entered therein, before the commencement of each journey, the following particulars of every booking of a private hire vehicle invited or accepted by him:
- Date and time of the booking
- Date and time of journey
- The name of the hirer
- Place passengers collected
- Place passengers set down
- Private hire vehicle licence number
- Name and licence number of the driver
- Fare charged regardless of whether or not on meter
Records of bookings must be kept for a period of twelve months from the date of the journey.
- The record required to be kept by the operator under section 56(3) shall contain the following details of every vehicle used:
- make, model and colour
- registration number
- registered keeper (e.g. name and address or registration document)
- date when vehicle became available to operator
- copy of current MoT certificate
- copy of current valid certificate of insurance
- date vehicle ceased to be available to the operator
- copy of private hire vehicle licence
Records of a private hire vehicle must be kept for a period of twelve months from the date the private hire vehicle ceased to be available to the operator.
- The record required to be kept by the operator under section 55(3) shall contain the following details:
- name
- current address
- telephone number, including mobile phone numbers
- copy of current private hire driver licence
- date driver ceased to be available to the operator
Records of a private hire driver must be kept for a period of twelve months from the date the driver ceased to be available to the operator.
After the meeting and once all enquiries have been completed and we are satisfied you are a fit and proper person to hold an Operator licence with this Authority, we will finalise your application. After an administration processing period we will be able to create your licence and email your Licence to you. Please note: the administration processing period can vary depending on applicant numbers.
Most documents can be submitted online when making an application or by email to quoting your application reference in the subject line.
Further information on documents required to be provided as part of your application can be found on our Document Guidance Webpage.
Licensing Application Advice Service
Licensing can offer a chargeable application advice service that is aimed at supporting your licensing application(s), by offering bespoke advice, training or support for a vast array of licensing relating matters. The aim is to help you to anticipate and fix any problems which may arise during the application process. However, (if applicable) our advice cannot prejudge the outcome of the licensing application, especially if representations are received and a hearing takes place before the Licensing Sub-Committee.
Further information can be found on our Advice Service Webpage.
Contact Us
We are confident you will be able to find all the supporting information you will need in relation to making your application on our webpages and in our guidance documents. If required, you can contact the Licensing Team via email at Our telephone lines are open 10am-12 midday and 2pm - 4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 2pm-4pm on Wednesday.