Knowledge test

Pages in Knowledge test

  1. 1. Private Hire Knowledge Test
  2. 2. You are here: Hackney Carriage 

2. Hackney Carriage 

The Hackney Carriage knowledge test is different to the private hire test. There are different and more advanced questions, particularly regarding routes.

This is a written test, supervised by an officer under usual exam conditions at the Town Hall, Reigate. You will not be allowed to refer to any documents during the exam. You will be allowed one hour only to complete the written questions. 


We advise all our applicants to revise and practice for the test. To assist you in preparation for the test it will help to be familiar with the following documents:

  • ‘The Street Atlas Surrey’ 
  • Hackney Carriage Policy and Conditions Document and Convictions Policy both documents can be found on the Apply for a taxi or private hire licence webpage
  • ‘The Official High Way Code’ - Department for Transport, Driving Standards Agency (Great Britain) 

Please note we do not supply any of the above documents. They can be found online, purchased online or from a bookshop.

Results and feedback

We will email the results of your test within seven days of you sitting the test. Do not contact us for the result unless you have not received it by the end the seven day period (check your junk email first). If you fail the test we will tell you which sections you failed on; we will not tell you which specific question(s) you got wrong. We do not give out copies of the test paper.

Book and pay for your knowledge test via this online form