Sex establishment licences

Pages in Sex establishment licences

  1. 1. Sex establishment licences
  2. 2. You are here: Apply for a sex establishment licence

2. Apply for a sex establishment licence

You must apply to the Council for a sex establishment licence, or if you want the Council to waive the requirement for such a licence. It is an offence not to comply with the requirement to obtain a licence, the penalty for which on summary conviction is a fine of any amount.

The following must be submitted with the completed application form in order to form a valid application:

  • a scale plan of the premises which should be large enough to be easily read (which must show the layout of the Premises including: (i) performer’s changing facilities; (ii) those areas to which the public are to be admitted (shown outlined in red); (iii) toilets; (iv) entrances and exits from the premises (including emergency exits); (v) any stage area (including an annotation as to the height of the stage); (vi) the location of any fixed structures (such as the bar area, fixed tables/seating or private booths); the area to be used for customer seating);
  • the licence fee;
  • a copy of the completed notice to be displayed on the Premises;
  • a basic DBSC from the applicant (including each of the directors/the company secretary where the applicant is a company and each of the partners if the applicant is a partnership)
  • a copy of the management operation manual and club rules (see condition 16 of the conditions).

A copy of the application must also be served on the Chief Officer of Police and advertising in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the 1982 Act.

Apply or renew for a sex establishment licence

If you require to either transfer or vary your current licence please email licensing using the email address below, you are unable to transfer or vary the licence using the website.

The licensing department can be contacted by email on

Fees and Charges

For information on fees and charges please consult our licences and permit fees page. Currently we can only accept payment via cheque or postal order. We are in the process of working towards payment over the phone and online payment. Please make cheques payable to 'Reigate & Banstead Borough Council'. These can either be dropped into reception or posted in. Please ensure you write on the back of the cheque or postal what the payment is for so we can cross-reference this to your application. 

Fines and penalties

You could be fined up to £1,000 if you don’t display a copy of your licence and licensing conditions in your premises. If you run a sex shop or cinema without a licence, or if you break any of the conditions of your licence, you could be fined up to £20,000.

Pre-Application Advice Service

We offer a pre-application and application advice service to support your licensing application made to the Council. The aim is to help you to mitigate any problems which may arise during the application process. However, our advice cannot prejudge the outcome of the licensing application, especially if representations are received and a hearing takes place before the Licensing Sub-Committee. For further details please consult our licensing contact us and application advice service page