Staff Wellbeing
Pages in Staff Wellbeing
- 1. Staff Wellbeing
- 2. What the Council can do for you
- 3. What you can do for yourself
- 4. What you can get involved with
- 5. You are here: What managers should do
5. What managers should do
This webpage is for all staff of Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
Engaging with your teams
Take time to communicate, especially during these difficult times. Here are some ways that you can engage with your teams:
- organise regular virtual team meetings to keep your team connected (via Teams)
- use digital, visual platforms as well as phone calls
- create short ‘check in’ sessions
- find opportunities to have fun – e.g. virtual team quizzes, team building (like escape rooms/puzzle solving sessions), seasonal events like a team panto dressing up and delivering your lines as part of a panto team
- suggest people have social cuppas – with those inside and outside their team, in small groups or even 1:1 – as a chance to connect and for non-work conversation
Talk to staff about their wellbeing needs
It does not need to be about work so try and have separate performance and wellbeing 1:1s. Questions for you to try:
- How are you doing at the moment?
- Is everything OK?
- Is there anything I can do to help?
- What support do you think might help?
- What ‘life’ stuff is making it challenging to do ‘work’ stuff?
- What would make you feel more engaged and supported?
- How do you plan to take time for yourself?
- Have you spoken to someone or do you know where else to look for help?
For staff who need extra support, advise them of the Stress Risk Assessment (this website will only be visible on a Council computer or network) questionnaire that could help identify areas of concern or stress. Together you can form an action plan that will work to improve concerns.
The mental health of your team is so important, especially now. This guide for managers produced by Mind provides some really useful tips on proactive prevention.
Make yourself available
Remember your team are looking to you for guidance and leadership, you do not need to be super human. Try these tips:
- be genuine
- lead by example
- be human
- be realistic in your expectations
- be available and approachable -be there for your team(s)
- make time for your people when needed and make your teams aware you will do this for them
- promote the organisational values and behaviours
Manager Development Training
Discuss your development needs with your Head of Service. Suggestions of online courses:
- website: Managing Team Resilience - online - Surrey Learn
- website: Surrey Learn - online - other courses available
Support for Managers
Feedback to your line manager so that you can continue to support your own teams:
- share organisational messages in the best way that suits your teams/individuals in your teams
- Would peer support groups be helpful?
- Would Q&A and discussion-led sessions for sharing management skills and experiences with RBBC peers help (e.g. a regular Teams call with a couple of HoS leading discussion)?
- Do you need any training/development – is there a skill gap(s) you feel you want to address?
Tell us what else you need to support you as a manager to enable you to continue to support your team. Share any feedback or ideas with your manager or HR.
- see our: staff handbook (PDF)
- website: emergency contacts including contact details for the Samaritans and the National Domestic Abuse Helpline.
- website: Reigate & Banstead Borough Council staff