Community Development Impact Report 2022

Pages in Community Development Impact Report 2022

  1. 1. Community Development Impact Report 2022
  2. 2. You are here: Action plan priorities
  3. 3. Community engagement
  4. 4. Work with health partners
  5. 5. Funding
  6. 6. Food and fuel poverty

2. Action plan priorities

Each of our CDWs facilitates community partnerships which bring together people working on the ground to identify local issues and to work together to develop responses to those issues. The action plans are reviewed annually and give us an opportunity to be directly accountable to the neighbourhoods we serve.

The priorities for each neighbourhood in 2022

Area Priorities Key outputs in 2022

Loneliness and Isolation

Health and Wellbeing

Community Safety

Youth Engagement and reduction of ASB

Food Poverty

Increased take up of Community Centre offer;

Support to GHT projects;

Litter picks;

support to Resident’s Association;

Increased access to support services for food club members


Youth Provision

Social Isolation


Health and Wellbeing

Food Poverty

Merstham Youth Film project;

Merstham Meet up;

Links to Community Transport;

Health and Wellbeing Champions;

Packed lunch during school holiday


Food and fuel poverty

Social isolation


Emotional Wellbeing

Community Garden

Vaccination programme

Youth engagement

Arts group;

Work to support community access to mental wellbeing training including Connect 5;

Increased take obtained for the community garden;

Football project and Monday night youth project


Food and Fuel Poverty

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Anti-Social Behaviour

Youth Provision

Accessible Transport

Greener Observatory Walk gardening sessions;

Asian Women Wellness Hub group;

Community football sessions in the park on Cromwell estate;

Monthly Community Litter Picks on Timperley Gardens

Woodhatch and Whitebushes

Building Resilience

Cost of Living

Anti-Social Behaviour


Cost of Living Event in Oct 2022;

Connecting with Reigate School;

Obtaining funding from GHT for local project