Management Team
Chief Executive, (Head of Paid Service), Mari Roberts-Wood, £134,163 to £140,865 per year
- Chief Finance Officer, (S151), Lisa Nyon, £97,836 - £102,699
- Head of Revenues Benefits and Fraud, Simon Rosser, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Strategic Head of Legal and Governance, (Monitoring Officer), Joyce Hamilton, £90,981- £95,493 per year
Deputy Chief Executive, Luci Mould, £118,800 to £124,722 per year
- Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, Andrew Benson, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Place Delivery, Peter Boarder, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Economic Prosperity, Simon Bland, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Neighbourhood Services, Morag Williams, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Strategic Head of Communities & Wellbeing, Justine Chatfield, £90,981 - £95,493 per year
- Head of Housing & Intervention, Richard Robinson, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Greenspaces, Leisure & Culture, Duane Kirkland, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Community Partnerships, Isabel Wootton, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Strategic Head of Organisation & Transformation, Laura McCartney, £90-981 - £95,493 per year
- Head of Corporate Policy Project & Business Assurance, Cath Rose, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Organisational Development and HR, Kate Brown, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
- Head of Technology, Data and Experience, Vacant, £74,736 - £84,087 per year
Additional information and analysis regarding Reigate & Banstead Borough Council's approach to pay, (including our employee to Chief Executive pay ratio), and the salaries of our senior managers can be found on the data transparency page.
The Budget (PDF, ModernGov) provides further information on the Council's financial expenditure on other areas and services in addition to salaries.