Protected trees and tree works applications

Pages in Protected trees and tree works applications

  1. 1. Tree works applications
  2. 2. Tree works applications, Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and planning conditions
  3. 3. Appeals against the Council's decision on tree works applications
  4. 4. You are here: Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

4. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

The Council receives requests from the public to serve preservation orders on trees that are generally felt to be under threat of removal.

Request details should be made in writing to the Tree Officer and should provide information on the tree its species, location and the reason that the tree is considered to merit formal protection.

The council will acknowledge the request in writing and will assess the tree. Not all trees will meet the strict criteria for formal protection and a Tree Preservation Order cannot simply be used to prevent development.

Once the assessment has been undertaken a priority will be given to the service of the order and this is often based on the potential threat to the tree. Legal service of an order is followed by a 28 day objection period. In this period any of the persons served with the order, with a legal interest, has the right to object to the order.

If no objections are received the order is legally confirmed.

If the order is opposed a report is prepared to address the objections raised this matter is dealt with by the Head of Building and Development Services and/or the Development Quality Manager. Authorisation is sought to either confirm the order, confirm subject to modification, or decide not to confirm the order, subject to modification having taken into account any valid reasons of objection.

For a guide to the law and best practice on Tree Preservation Orders, information can be obtained from the Local Authority’s Tree Officers or see Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas (external link).

The Council strongly recommends that before any tree works be undertaken the tree owner and contractor should check with the Local Authority’s Help Line to ascertain whether the tree is subject to formal protection.

If you require any information, guidance or advice about tree pruning and management, please contact the Council:

Tree preservation order request form