Protected trees and tree works applications

Pages in Protected trees and tree works applications

  1. 1. Tree works applications
  2. 2. Tree works applications, Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and planning conditions
  3. 3. You are here: Appeals against the Council's decision on tree works applications
  4. 4. Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

3. Appeals against the Council's decision on tree works applications

If you are aggrieved at a decision taken by the Council, or any of the conditions imposed or certification of the decision by this Council, you may appeal to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Such an appeal should be in writing within 28 days of the receipt of this decision notice, or such longer period as the Secretary of State may allow.

In respect of an appeal the necessary form and other details can be obtained from:

The Planning Inspectorate, Environment Team, 4/04 Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN

Tel: 0117 372 8192
Fax: 0117 372 6241
Website: Tree Planning Appeals (The Planning Inspectorate website)