Reigate Heath Steering Group minutes - 14 September 2021


Name Position or representation Comment
Cllr Natalie Bramhall (NB) Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services (Chairman) Present 
Cllr Michael Blacker (MB) Ward Councillor (Deputy Chairman) Apologies
Cllr Rosemary Absalom (RA) Ward Councillor  Present
Cllr Christopher Whinney (CW) Ward Councillor  Absent
Mr David Watts (DW) Secretary (RBBC Officer)  Present
Ms Holly Short (HS) Reigate Heath Residents’ Association Present
Mr Steve Carter SC Veterinary Adviser Absent
Mr Simon Elson (SE) Reigate Area Conservation Volunteers Present
Mr Dave Clarke (DW) Reigate Heath Golf Club Present
Ms Elinor Leech EL Reigate Heath Horse Riders Present
Ms Susan Medcalf  SM Botanist  Apologies
Ms Jenny Newell  JN Surrey Archaeological Society Present
Mr Trevor Mansfield TM Natural England  Apologies


21/01 - Chair’s opening remarks and meeting attendance

The Chair welcomed everybody to the meeting.

21/02   Apologies for absence

Cllr Blacker, Susan Medcalf, Trevor Mansfied

21/03 - Minutes of the last meeting

Actions from last meeting

21/03 Carried forward from last meeting.

21/05 Actioned. Complaints of too many signs installed. CW will report feedback from local residents.

21/06 Actioned. Complaint of Flanchford Road car park surface, DW to inform RBBC Engineer.

21/07 Actioned. DW to send copy to CW to comment. Following this DW will send a copy to Andrew Benson Head of Planning at RBBC.

21/09 Holly thinning actioned / No update on SCC footpath repairs / A new bin has been installed / Management Plan carried forward to next meeting / No update on Reigate Heath events other than ‘Love your heath’ day by RACV / RA to share bat report by next meeting.

21/10 Actioned.

21/04 - Golf club buggies and tee markers

DC shared documents showing replacement tee markers to the group. They are to be installed flush to the ground and will not be visually intrusive. DC confirmed that TM approved the design during a site meeting with the golf club.

Two buggies have been ordered to be used as part of the trial as already agreed by the group. DC confirmed that the original plan to erect a fence by the third green and fourth tee is no longer required. Two small sections of fencing will be erected by the lower section of the clubhouse, the purpose of this is for visitor safety.

JN expressed concerns that the heath is becoming more urbanised with the golf tees, buggies and fencing. The chair affirmed that the buggies will be accepted on the grounds that the council is complying with disability access legislation. The RBBC Legal Team have been consulted on this matter and have confirmed the council’s position.

HS confirmed that residents do not object to the use of buggies on the golf course. RA questioned whether Natural England have approved, DC confirmed that they have.

21/05 - Permissive horse ride repairs

EL provided a report she had made of the permissive horse ride outlining areas in need of repair and opportunities to improve ride edge habitat for heath flora. DW to read through and cross-reference with the Countryside Stewardship Agreement to identify any areas that could be targeted. DW expressed concerns over the labour available to undertake such works including hand digging horse rides which would require more than the existing one member of staff currently working on countryside sites. 

SE questioned where the monies from the Countryside Stewardship were spent. DW replied that the one thousand pounds RBBC receives is spent on the mechanical cut and collect of the acid grass area on the sports pitch, the provision of skips and disposal from RACV work parties.

SE asked what nature conservation tasks RBBC have undertaken since the last meeting. DW’s answer was that he should already know as he receives all notifications of works and it is written into the work programme.

21/06 - Work Programme

DW outlined that nature conservation works carried out by RBBC take place between November and February.

21/07 - AOB

RA reported on Surrey Hills AONB review. It is in progress with Natural England but cannot confirm whether Reigate Heath will be included at this time.

DW reported that he has been contacted by councillor from Buckland Parish in Mole Valley. The councillor has offered any support he can give to tackle illegal cycling on the heath and DW agreed to raise the offer at this meeting. There was no acknowledgement from the group. There was more interest in trying to contact those cycling clubs responsible, many of which come from south London and surrounding suburbs. It was agreed that Surrey County Councillor Furniss will be approached by the Chair to seek advice on how to tackle this.

21/08 - Date of next meeting

 The next meeting will be before the end of the year.

End of meeting.


Item Actions
21/03 MB to contact the Reigate Society about nominating a representative to attend meetings. Carried forward from last meeting.
21/03 CW to report feedback on no parking signs along Flanchford and Bonnys Road.
21/03 DW to inform RBBC Engineer of Flanchford Road car park surface condition.
21/03 DW to send Utility Protocol to CW for his review, CW to report back. DW will send a copy to Andrew Benson at RBBC.
21/03 RA to share bat report at next meeting.
21/05 DW to cross-reference permissive horse ride repairs with Countryside Stewardship Agreement.
21/07 The Chair to seek advice from SCC Cllr Furniss on cycling issues on the heath.