Sports development

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  2. 2. Active Surrey
  3. 3. You are here: FACS Programme
  4. 4. Funding

3. FACS Programme

What is FACS (Free Access for County Sportspeople)?

The RBBC Leisure Service and Greenwich Leisure Limited operates a Free Access for County Sportspeople (FACS) Scheme. The scheme provides the opportunity for eligible County or National athletes, aged 11 and over, who live in the borough, to access a free membership to one of our three leisure centres to help support their training. 

Gym and facility usage as part of the programme is limited to off peak times (Monday to Friday inclusive and all day Saturday and Sunday), at one of the three leisure centres around the Borough.

Apply here

FACS card online form

General Conditions

The conditions of the Scheme are as follows:

All FACS Scheme users:

  • Must be of County standard or above in their sport and must provide a supporting letter from an official within their governing body.
  • Must be a resident of Reigate and Banstead Borough.
  • Must show a valid FACS card on every visit to the facility.
  • Will be restricted to the use of facilities that complement the sport for which they represent their County in. These facilities will be listed with their membership details.
  • Can only use facilities if they are available and the user does not prevent the use by a paying customer.
  • As a FACS card member, you may be asked to volunteer for RBBC & GLL events during the year.

Facilities/ Leisure Centre Conditions:

  • Users are restricted to free use from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday-Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. (No advanced bookings).
  • Must pay the full fees for any facilities used outside of the times listed above.
  • If the fitness suite is to be used, an induction must be completed and paid for.
  • If the user is under 16, they can only use the fitness suite if accompanied by a fee paying adult member
  • All applications will need to be verified before a FACS card is issued.
  • The Authority reserves the right to terminate membership should any breach of the FACS Scheme conditions occur, or should reasonable grounds be given by the Facility Manager.
  • The Authority reserves the right to alter the conditions of use at any time.

For any questions please contact the Leisure Team on 01737 276 781.