Our approach to environmental sustainability

Pages in Our approach to environmental sustainability

  1. 1. Our approach to environmental sustainability
  2. 2. Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2024, summary
  3. 3. You are here: Environmental Sustainability Survey 2022

3. Environmental Sustainability Survey 2022

This is a summary of key findings from the Environmental Sustainability Consultation, carried out in March 2022.

Executive summary


A resident’s survey asking about sustainability was carried out during March 2022. 

Local residents were invited to take part in the following ways:

  • an email was sent to a sample of My Reigate&Banstead account holders
  • promotion in the spring edition of Borough News, delivered to all households in the borough
  • promotion on our social media channels  

Survey response

  • 1,079 responses were received, with a good spread across genders and age groups, although the youngest age group (18 to 24 years) were under-represented (13 out of a target of 90 people)
  • 71% of respondents were homeowners living in detached (37%) and semi-detached (34%) houses

Headline findings on key topics


  • Good uptake of energy efficiency measures (insulation), less on low-carbon energy measures (such as green tariffs, heat pumps or solar panels)
  • High awareness of heat pumps and solar energy but no plans to install and a low awareness of green tariffs
  • Main barrier to most home energy measures is cost, followed by perceived lack of a return on investment (ROI) and not enough knowledge about how to make the change
  • Nearly half of respondents have high levels of confidence in making changes to their home to reduce energy use


  • Good uptake of some water measures (for example dual-flush toilets, water butts and water-efficient shower heads)
  • Limited knowledge around flow restrictors (used to reduce water usage in taps and flushes)


  • 38% of respondents typically use a car (such as for shops, work or school), and 80% of cars used are petrol or diesel (9% electric or hybrid-electric)
  • 33% of respondents typically use active forms of transport (28% walking and 5% cycling), with 23% of respondents usually using public transport (15% train and 8% bus)
  • The main barriers to purchasing electric vehicles are cost, range and availability of charge points


  • 79% of respondents recycle all they can through the council's household waste collection service
  • 66% of respondents use the council's food waste recycling for all food waste (18% don’t use this service at all)


  • 85% of respondents have a garden or courtyard area
  • More than half of respondents already do some form of ‘green gardening’; although the barriers to 'green gardening' include cost, lack of time or someone else’s responsibility

Demographics of respondents


50% male. 49% female. 1% prefer not to say


1% are 18 to 24 years old. 13% are 25 to 34 years old. 20% are 35 to 44 years old. 20% are 45 to 54 years old. 18% are 55 to 64 years old. 16% are 65 to 74 years old. 10% are 75 to 84 years old. 1% are over 85. 1% prefer not to say.

House type

Detached 37%. Semi-detached 34%. Flat 15%. Terraced 12%. Other 2%. Park home 0%. Prefer not to say 0%.

Home energy

Knowledge of home energy measures:

Alternative text to follow, September 2023


Email: Sustainability@reigate-banstead.gov.uk