Replacement and additional bins

Some replacements are free and some are not. Your Council Tax does not include the cost of replacement or additional bins.


  • refuse bin - Please note if you order a replacement bin instead of an extra bin, the extra bin will not be collected
  • mixed recycling bin
  • extra garden waste bins (it is free to replace your damaged first one)

You can view the latest fees for bins and recycling and refuse services.

Free to replace

If you are ordering any replacement bin and would like the damaged bin to be removed, please make sure that the damaged bins are left at the front of the property, visible from the highway, for ease of retrieval.

  • food waste container (please make sure food is contained in a plastic bag to help the delivery crews when exchanging over the bins)
  • paper and cardboard recycling box

We no longer supply internal food bins.

You can only replace your garden waste bin if its been damaged or stolen and if you are a garden waste member.

Replacement and additional bin online form