Fees for recycling and refuse services

Pages in Fees for recycling and refuse services

  1. 1. Individual household replacement recycling and refuse bins
  2. 2. Communal household recycling and refuse bins
  3. 3. You are here: New development recycling and refuse bins
  4. 4. Garden waste service

3. New development recycling and refuse bins

If you are a developer purchasing bins for a new development, please email rc@reigate-banstead.gov.uk giving us full details. Please allow three weeks for us to visit the new site and respond.

Developers should also be aware of our planning guidance for developers, 'Making space for waste'. To request a copy of this document, email rc@reigate-banstead.gov.uk.

Recycling and refuse bins (excludes VAT) 
Communal recycling and refuse bins, excludes delivery charge See prices in communal bins
Recycling and refuse bin set for individual homes, excludes delivery charge
  • 140 litre green refuse wheelie bin,
  • 140 litre dark grey mixed recycling wheelie bin,
  • 55 litre black paper/card recycling box
  • 23 litre green food recycling caddy
  • 7 litre silver kitchen caddy
Delivery charge (one charge per delivery) £25