Clinical waste

The disposal of clinical waste and syringes.

We collect

The council provides a collection service for personal/clinical and medical waste.  Please complete the online form below to register for this service.

This service is free for residents, a chargeable service is available for businesses, (this including residential care homes). Please visit our business clinical waste service page for further information.

 The personal waste service includes items such as:  

  • incontinence pads
  • empty catheter bags
  • empty stoma bags 
  • tubing, peg or stomach feeding equipment
  • syringes with needles removed
  • Clinical waste for infected dressings, swabs, human tissue (in orange clinical sacks). 

Needles must be packed in “sharps boxes” which can be provided by prescription from your doctor or requested from PHS directly.

Once Registered

Please arrange a collection by contacting our contractor PHS directly on 02920 809917 or Please wait 24 hours before contacting them to ensure that your collection request has been processed and is in their system.

Items we cannot collect

Unfortunately we are not able to collect any of the following in our clinical waste service as this waste requires specialist treatment:

  • anything that may be contaminated with blood (not including sanitary waste).

If you have any of this waste to dispose of liaise with your District Nurse or Primary Care Trust who will be able to assist you to dispose of this waste.

Discarded syringes

Needles, syringes and other drug related items are sometimes discarded in public places by drug users. We advise members of the public not to pick up needles. Contact us to report this anti-social behaviour and we will safely dispose of them.

Medicines and drugs

Unwanted medicines and drugs can be taken in to most pharmacies.

Other materials

  • Cardboard packaging can be recycled in your black paper recycling box.
  • Aerosol cleaning sprays, and empty nutrition bottles (used for stomach feeding), should be recycled using the mixed recycling bin.
  • Any polystyrene must go into the green refuse wheeled bin.

If you already use the Clinical waste service, you can contact our service provider directly with any enquiries -