Environmental Health and Licensing Enforcement Policy
Pages in Environmental Health and Licensing Enforcement Policy
- 1. Background and introduction
- 2. Objectives of the Enforcement Policy
- 3. The key aspects of the policy
- 4. Prevention and promotion
- 5. Enforcement actions
- 6. You are here: Our standards
- 7. Recovering the cost of enforcement action
- 8. Publicity
- 9. Consultation with customers
- 10. Complaints and appeals
6. Our standards
7.1 Consistency: We will:
- carry out our duties in an efficient, fair, courteous and consistent manner
- have in place in-house procedures and arrangements which are reviewed and updated regularly to promote and monitor consistency in the way we deliver the service
- have in place effective arrangements for liaison with other Local Authorities and enforcement bodies such as LGR, Food Standards Agency, Health & Safety Executive, Fire Authority, Police Authority, Environment Agency, etc, particularly where there is a shared enforcement role.
- draw up yearly activities, priorities and targets, setting out the level of service and performance the public and businesses can expect to receive through our Business Plans
- publish our performance against the plans annually
7.2 Openness: We will:
- provide information and advice in plain language on the rules we apply
- be open about how we set about our work, including the charges that we set
- discuss general issues and specific compliance failings or problems with anyone experiencing difficulties
- provide an opportunity to discuss the circumstances of a case and, if possible, resolve points of difference before enforcement action is taken (unless immediate action is required)
- give an explanation of why immediate action is required
- give advice on the rights of appeal against formal action
7.3 Helpfulness: We will:
- actively work with individuals, businesses, especially small and medium sized businesses, to advise on and assist with compliance
- provide a courteous and efficient service and our staff will identify themselves by name
- provide a contact point and telephone number for further dealings with us and we will encourage individuals and businesses to seek advice/information from us
- deal with applications for licences, registrations and consents in accordance with service standards
- ensure that wherever practicable our enforcement services are effectively coordinated to minimise unnecessary overlaps and time delays
- have provision to visit a business out of normal office hours at times when the business is available, where it is not otherwise feasible to visit during normal office hours.
7.4 Proportionality: We will:
- minimise the costs of compliance for individuals and businesses by ensuring that any action reflects the risks involved
- as far as the law allows, take account of the circumstances of the case and the attitude/actions of the individual or organisation when considering action
- take particular care to work with individuals, small businesses, voluntary and community organisations so that they can meet their legal obligations without unnecessary expense
- ensure that information given to a business, landlord or individual, whether written or verbal, will clearly identify those requirements which are mandatory and those which are advisory or are recommendations of best practice