Fees and charges
Below is a list of fees and charges for Environmental Health for 2024/2025 financial year. Note re Private Water supply The cost of all work completed by the Council in relation to private water supplies will be charged for at full cost recovery.
Product Type | Product | Fee (inc VAT where applicable) | Unit of charge |
Environmental Information | Environmental Information Regulations requests (EIRs) | £63 | Per hour |
Food Hygiene | Re-visits for Food Hygiene Rating | £312 | Per visit |
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) | Five yearly - per property (new application) | £1054 | Licence |
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) | Five yearly - per property (renewal) | £1054 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Application for a new Licence - 1-5 Pitches | £592 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Application for a new Licence - 6-24 Pitches | £655 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Application for a new Licence - 25-99 Pitches | £718 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Application for a new Licence - 100+ Pitches | £781 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Variation of a Licence - 1-5 Pitches | £370 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Variation of a Licence - 6-24 Pitches | £402 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Variation of a Licence - 25-99 Pitches | £433 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Variation of a Licence - 100+ Pitches | £465 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Annual Licence Fee - 1-5 Pitches | £124 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Annual Licence Fee - 6-24 Pitches | £228 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Annual Licence Fee - 25-99 Pitches | £374 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Annual Licence Fee - 100+ Pitches | £811 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Transfer of a Licence (any number of pitches) | £165 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Deposit of Site Rules (any number of pitches) | £30 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Fit and Proper Person Application Fee | £469 | Licence |
Mobile Home Sites | Fit and Proper Person Renewal Fee | £175 | Annual |
Private Water Supply | Water Risk Assessment | Cost Recovery | Cost Recovery |
Private Water Supply | Sampling | Cost Recovery | Cost Recovery |
Private Water Supply | Investigations | Cost Recovery | Cost Recovery |
Private Water Supply | Authorisations | Cost Recovery | Cost Recovery |
Private Water Supply | Analysis | Cost Recovery | Cost Recovery |
Property Inspections | Immigration/ Foreign Office/Visa Application purposes | £263 | Per visit |
Property Inspections | Officer Time for works in default | £63 | Per hour |
Property Inspections | Officer Time for Housing Act Enforcement | £63 | Per hour |
Property Inspections | Formal Notices | £473 | Per notice |