Keeping the borough clean

Pages in Keeping the borough clean

  1. 1. Keeping the borough clean
  2. 2. Littering
  3. 3. Community litter picking
  4. 4. Solar compacting bins
  5. 5. Fly tipping
  6. 6. You are here: Enforcing clean streets
  7. 7. Street sweeping
  8. 8. Leaf clearance

6. Enforcing clean streets

Our Joint Enforcement Team (JET) officers deal with low level anti-social behaviour such as littering, graffiti, fly tipping, abandoned vehicles, fly posting and dog fouling.

The JET team can issue Fixed Penalty Notices and any money received for these enviro-crimes is retained by the Council, although the aim is to stop them from happening in the first place. 

Help us to keep the borough clean by reporting issues to the JET team.

Report a problem