Reporting anti-social behaviour

Pages in Reporting anti-social behaviour

  1. 1. You are here: Reporting anti-social behaviour
  2. 2. Recognising anti-social behaviour?
  3. 3. What you can do about anti-social behaviour

Behaviour that causes harassment, alarm or distress, is anti-social behaviour (ASB). It includes rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour, littering, street drinking and vandalism. You can find out more about types of anti-social behaviour here.

Don’t assume others will report it – join us in calling out ASB.

Here’s how you can report ASB to:

The Council

Anti-social behaviour issues are dealt with by our Joint Enforcement Team (JET) and our Antisocial Behaviour Officer. Issues include:

  • Dog fouling or inconsiderate dog ownership
  • Graffiti
  • Inconsiderate bonfires or illegal burning
  • Littering and flyposting
  • Persistent and noxious fumes from illegal substance use
  • Damage to street furniture, such as benches

Also, report the following (unless it’s happening now and you should contact the Police):

  • Alcohol related nuisance
  • Flytipping
  • Noise nuisance

Report to the Council

Surrey Police

Report the following issues to the Police:

  • Anti-social driving or speeding and car meetings
  • Groups of people hanging around (threatening, drunken or intimidating behaviour)
  • Nuisance behaviour motivated by hate
  • Nuisance motorcycles or quad bikes
  • People using or dealing drugs
  • Vandalism or damage

Report to Surrey Police

Raven Housing

Anti-social behaviour on Raven Housing property should be reported to Raven Housing