How we deal with anti-social behaviour

Pages in How we deal with anti-social behaviour

  1. 1. How we deal with anti-social behaviour
  2. 2. You are here: Possible interventions for anti-social behaviour
  3. 3. National anti-social behaviour principles

2. Possible interventions for anti-social behaviour

Here are some legal and non-legal interventions which we can consider when tackling anti-social behaviour.

Non-legal interventions for anti-social behaviour 

Early intervention, especially through informal approaches, can be successful in stopping the anti-social behaviour committed by the majority of perpetrators.

Early and informal interventions can reinforce the message that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. In many cases, awareness of the impact of their behaviour on victims, and the threat of more formal enforcement tools, can be a sufficient incentive for an individual to change their behaviour.

These interventions can include:

  • Mediation, which can help to resolve neighbour disputes. Trained mediators can meet with each party to try to reach an agreement providing both parties agree to mediate
  • Joint visits, where with partner agencies (for example, Police or housing) visit the perpetrator(s) together

Written warnings and Community Protection Notices (CPNs)

The Community Protection Notice (CPN) can be used to stop a person aged 16 and over or a business or organisation committing anti-social behaviour which spoils the community’s quality of life.

It can be used by council and police officers where the behaviour:

  • has a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality
  • is of a persistent or continuing nature and
  • is unreasonable. 

A written warning must be given first with conditions that the recipient must comply with and if breached, a full Notice is issued.

Breach of this Notice is a criminal offence and can be dealt with by the issuing of a fixed penalty notice or if appropriate, prosecution with a maximum fine of up to £500 for individuals and £20,000 for businesses

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)

A PSPO can give local councils and police additional powers to tackle anti-social behaviour in specific locations to regulate activities that are having a detrimental effect on the local community. We have a PSPO in place in Redhill town centre and Memorial Park, as well as Dogs Public Space Protection Orders in our parks and green spaces.

ASB Case Review

The ASB Case Review (formerly known as the Community Trigger) was introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. It gives victims and communities the right to request a review of their anti-social behaviour complaints and brings agencies together to take a joined up, problem-solving approach to find a solution.