Licensing complaints and enquiries

The Licensing team issue and administer many types of licences, registrations and permits which aim to ensure the safety of the travelling public, promote various statutory licensing objectives, and maintain the welfare of animals in commercial care.   

This includes licensing of taxi and private hire drivers, vehicles and operators, animal boarding establishments, the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment, gambling premises and associated activities.

The team will investigate complaints where we are the enforcing body, however this does not include complaints about poor service or contract disputes with licence holders.

If you wish to report a road accident or driving offence, including careless or inconsiderate driving, by a Reigate & Banstead Borough Council licenced driver please submit your complaint via the Surrey Police website or the relevant police service where the incident occurred.

We will also help you refer your complaint to a partner agency or other team within the Council when it's appropriate, e.g. incidents of underage sales, antisocial behaviour, noisy premises etc.

Please report any complaints, concerns about unlicensed premises/persons or enquiries using the form below. You will be able to upload photos or submit other evidence when completing the form.

Make a licensing complaint or enquiry (online form)

If your enquiry relates to advice regarding an application, please note we will not provide this free of charge. See our Licensing contact us and application advice service webpage for fees and details of the options available.


Your complaint will be treated in strict confidence in accordance with Data Protection legislation. Your details will not be routinely divulged; however, the circumstances may occasionally lead the other party to assume this. There may also be occasions where, in order to investigate a complaint thoroughly, some personal information e.g. a home pick up point is shared. Should you wish all personal details to remain anonymous please indicate this on your form - however be aware this may limit our ability to investigate the matter thoroughly and so affect the outcome.

Please be aware that we will not investigate any anonymous complaints or follow up where contact details have not been correctly provided.

What happens next

Receipt of your online submission will be acknowledged, and the details passed to an officer, however the nature of the submission may not warrant contact by an officer to discuss the content.

Further action depends on a number of factors; for example, some matters of complaint are not criminal offences and therefore cannot result in prosecution. Where there is insufficient evidence, it is unlikely we will be able to take further action. We may record the details on the licence holder's file and consider the matter if we receive further complaints of a similar nature.

Any enforcement action will be taken in accordance with our Licensing enforcement policy.