Aldermen and Freemen

Reigate & Banstead Borough Council is able to award honorary titles on individuals who have made a significant contribution to the Borough of Reigate & Banstead.

The titles of Honorary Alderman, Freeman and Freedom of Entry are the highest honours that this Council can bestow and are awarded in exceptional circumstances. They will have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the Borough, which have brought pride and satisfaction to the Borough.

Today, these Honorary titles confer no additional rights other than being invited to significant civic occasions as honoured guests. They are intended purely as a mark of honour for the recipient.


The title of Honorary Alderman/Alderwoman of the Borough is awarded to past councillors who have given outstanding service in their role as councillor.

The title of Honorary Freeman/Freewoman of the Borough is awarded to 'persons of distinction and persons who have rendered eminent services to the Borough.'

The granting of "Honorary Freedom" to an individual should not be confused with the granting of "Freedom of the Borough" to a military organisation such as the PWRR. In the latter case there is a right to march through the borough. The two types of honour are completely different.


An application for the conferment of an honorary title is usually initiated through a third-party e.g a discussion between the political groups on the Council and not applied for by the individual seeking the conferment.

If a borough resident is aware of a potential candidate, they should approach their local councillors.

Once a nomination is approved by council, the honour is then conferred by the Mayor at a special ceremony.

For further information, please contact the Mayor’s Office

Honorary Freemen and Freewomen of the Borough

The title of Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Reigate & Banstead has been awarded to the following individuals in the years listed:

Year conferred Name
2024 BRIGHT, Millie OBE
2024 SUTHERLAND, Colin MBE (deceased)
 2007  ORMEROD, Michael Geikie B.Sc. PhD (deceased)
 1995  SMITH, Norman C. (deceased)
 1988  CROWE, Lt. Col. Ernest A. (deceased)

Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen of the Borough

The title of Honorary Aldermen of the Borough of Reigate & Banstead has been awarded to the following individuals in the years listed:

Year conferred Name
2024 NEWSTEAD, Roger
2024 PAY, David John (deceased)
2023 WHINNEY, Christopher
2020 ROSS-TOMLIN, Dorothy Ann MCIPS
2020 SELBY, Michael (deceased)
2017 COWLE, Brian Christopher
2015 MEECH, John Alastair FInst. SIMM (deceased)
2015 NORMAN, Graham Leslie
2008 GATES, Stanley Albert
2006 LYNDON MORGAN, John Vincent MA(Oxon)
2006 PREVETT, John H. (deceased)
2001 HORSFALL, Penelope S JP B.Sc. (Soc) GIPM
2001 JUPP, Doreen E. (deceased)
2001 JUPP, Walter A. (deceased)
2001 WALLER, Mary A. (deceased)
2001 WALLER, Edgar H. (deceased)
1996 DUNSMORE, Erica G.L. (deceased)
1996 ADAMS, Lt. Cdr. Maurice S. (deceased)
1994 CURTIS, Thomas (deceased)
1994 WHITE, Ronald L.R. (deceased)
1988 GOVER, Thomas R. (deceased)
1988 McCALMAN, Hugh A. (deceased)
1983 PEARCE, Elliot A.C.(deceased)
1979 SEARLE, George H.(deceased)

Freedom of the Borough

The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment (Queen’s and Royal Hampshires).

Freedom of the Borough may be granted by a Borough Council to honour a unit of Her Majesty’s Forces which has granted conspicuous service and which is closely associated with the borough.

The Queen's Regiment was granted the Freedom of the Borough of Reigate & Banstead upon its formation, in keeping with its incorporation of the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment, which had previously held the Freedom of the Borough of Reigate.

This Freedom was then passed on to the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment when it was formed by the amalgamation of the Queen's Regiment and the Royal Hampshire Regiment.

The Freedom of the Borough grants the Regiment the right of 'marching through the town with Colours flying and Drums beating', which it has previously exercised on ceremonial occasions.