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4. Procurement Act 2023 - changes to the Public Procurement Procedures
Information for suppliers
Existing Public Procurement law is changing to the new Procurement Act 2023 which should go live from Monday 24 February 2025. This will replace the current public procurement legislation including the Public Procurement Regulation 2015 and Concession Procedure 2016 etc.
As a result, we want to ensure our existing suppliers including Local SMEs (local small, medium, and large businesses) and VCSEs (Voluntary Community Sector Enterprises) are both:
- supported, and
- have access to up-to-date information.
The new act is a UK law that regulates public procurement carried out by contracting authorities, including Reigate & Banstead Borough Council. The aim is to improve transparency and enable easy access to existing route to markets and offering suppliers greater visibility of opportunities to do business with the public sector.
- 'Go-live’ Monday 24 February 2025
- Existing rules will apply for procurement where:
- A: procurement is already in progress prior to Monday 24 February 2025
- B: public sector approved frameworks and DPS is established via existing rules (e.g. Public Contract Regulation 2015) prior to 24 February 2025 and remains valid until the Framework/DPS expires
- Post February 2025, the new regime will take effect, except procurements that have commenced prior to 24th February 2025
- Contracts awarded under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 shall continue to be governed by the Public Contract Regulations 2015 post enactment of the Procurement Act 2023
Government new Central Digital Platform (CDP)
A centralised digital platform allows suppliers to register on one central system and enable access to published information including new tender opportunities and other essential notices. The suppliers will benefit from:
- a streamlined process for multiple tenders
- having a comprehensive view of opportunities
- reduced admin and duplication of registering its details on one central system whereas previously, via a large number of e-sender sites e.g. Intend: Proactis etc
Failure to register yourselves as suppliers onto the CDP will prevent suppliers from being able to partake in future invitation tender exercise.
CDP: How will the changes affect potential suppliers?
- public procurement opportunities advertised in one place
- improved visibility including publication of notices, and below threshold opportunities (below £214,904 for supplies and services and £5,372,609 for works)
- greater transparency of who is bidding for and winning contracts above £5m
- Supplier Information System
Supplier Information System: How will the changes affect potential suppliers?
Potential supplier to enter, store, and update your core business information including:
- basic organisational information
- self-declaration in relation to meeting mandatory and discretionary exclusion grounds
- some economic and financial standing information
- details of connected persons and beneficial ownership
- registration essential to award of above threshold contracts
How will the changes affect you?
- simplified bidding processes
- greater focus on preliminary market engagement
- levelling of the playing field for SMEs and VCSEs
- prompt payment throughout the supply chain
- stronger exclusions framework
- conditions of participation
What is the Council doing?
- delivering the agreed Procurement Act 2023 implementation plan and in accordance with the communication plan
- completing and providing the required training
- review of workflow processes and adoption of standardised templates
- engagement with Council’s E-Sender (In-Tend which is the Council’s E-Sourcing Portal)
Next steps:
Cabinet Office is working with leading business groups and trade associations to make sure information is available for suppliers.
- watch the ‘Knowledge Drop’ videos for Suppliers and/or VCSEs (GOV.UK)
- Procurement Act 2023 – a short guide for Suppliers (GOV.UK)
- Central Digital Platform – Factsheet (GOV.UK)
Procurement Act 2023: webinars for suppliers and other interested parties:
- Thursday, January 23 · 10:30 - 11:30am GMT (
- Friday, January 24 · 11am - 12pm GMT (