Tree enquiries contact details

1 Trees on development sites Building and Development Services - Case Officer for that planning application; permission or development : 01737 276 000 (ask for duty planning phone).
2 Tree status enquiries (whether trees are subject to planning protection) Use the "Where I Live" search below.
3 Copies of tree preservation orders (TPO) Use the "Where I Live" search below.
4 Highway and street trees Contact Centre No: 03456 009 009 (Surrey County Council)
5 Trees on rights of way (bridleways and footpaths) Rights of Way Officer via Contact Centre: 03456 009 009 (Surrey County Council)
6 Trees/hedges/shrubs overhanging or a danger to footpaths, roads or highways Contact Centre No: 03456 009 009 (Surrey County Council)
7 Council owned woodlands, trees on commons, in parks, recreation areas and open spaces Greenspaces team: Report it, parks maintenance and grass, 01737 276 000
8 Trees at former council houses Raven Housing Trust : 0300 123 3399 (This is a separate organisation and not part of the council).
9 Trees on other borough council owned land Legal and Property Services: 01737 276 018
10 Tree surgeons/arboricultural consultants These can be found in the Arboricultural Association’s directory of Registered Consultants and Approved Contractors (Tree Surgeons). The Arboricultural Association is the national professional organisation for those involved in the care of amenity trees. Telephone: 01242 522152.