Planned maintenance, Saturday 1 March

On Saturday from 9am until 9pm, there is planned maintenance that will affect many of our ‘report it’ online forms and the planning application search. Please try outside these times.

Enforcement Agents

After the issue of a Notice to Owner, a Charge Certificate and an Order for Recovery, if the debt is still not paid, a Warrant of Control will be granted and we will pass the debt to an Enforcement Agent company. At this point the penalty can no longer be paid to the council. It must be paid to the Enforcement Agents.

The Enforcement Agents will take such steps as permitted in law to make contact and to recover the amount due. They are allowed to add to the debt fees for sending letters and making personal visits. However, the amount due to the council will not increase. If you have been contacted by an Enforcement Agent company and do not make arrangements to pay the debt your vehicle or goods may be seized and sold at auction.

Enforcement Agents

The council uses two Enforcement Agent companies to recover outstanding debt. These companies are:

Rundle & Co Ltd

Bristow & Sutor Ltd