Planned maintenance, Saturday 1 March

On Saturday from 9am until 9pm, there is planned maintenance that will affect many of our ‘report it’ online forms and the planning application search. Please try outside these times.

Challenge a parking fine

Pages in Challenge a parking fine

  1. 1. You are here: Challenge a parking fine
  2. 2. What happens if you do not pay your parking ticket

Before you challenge

Please be mindful that it may take up to 48 hours for your Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) to be uploaded to the system. During this time if you wish to challenge your PCN you may do so by emailing or by post to: Parking Services, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, PO BOX 527, Redhill, RH1 6YT.

Alternatively, you can send any supporting documentation (e.g. evidence of loading/unloading, copy of a disabled badge). Please ensure that this is uploaded alongside your challenge, or that a copy is sent in the post/email.

Pay it instead

Pay a parking fine

Remember if you pay or challenge within 14 days then the discounted rate of £25/£35 applies.

What you need before you start your online challenge:

  • Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) number
  • vehicle registration
  • have waited until the next day, when the system has updated

The online form allows you to view a photo of your vehicle on the date that Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) was given.

Challenge a parking fine

What happens next

We will let you know if your challenge succeeds or fails. If you have challenged after receiving a Notice to Owner and your challenge has been rejected by us, you are entitled to appeal to the adjudicator using the form provided with the Notice of Rejection. Please do not send your appeal forms to us.

Paid at informal stage

The recipient of a penalty charge notice has the statutory right to challenge the notice. Details of how to do so are given on the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) you received. The options available are that you either pay the charge or challenge it. The statutory discount period is for prompt settlement. If you opt to pay the charge, the matter is presumed closed. If you have paid the charge at the discounted amount, you have lost the right to make formal representations and appeal against the charge and we consider the matter as now closed.

However, if you wish to formally challenge the PCN we can issue a refund and re-open the case if it has been issued in the past 3 months. If you would like us to refund your payment to enable us to issue you with a Notice to Owner giving you the right to make formal representations against the charge, please confirm this in writing via email to or by post to Parking Services, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, PO BOX 527, Redhill, RH1 6YT.

Please note, Notice to Owners are issued at the full amount of the Penalty Charge either £50 or £70.

If you have paid your PCN within the last 3 months and have lost the opportunity to challenge, you can take your case to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.