Merstham recreation ground refurbishment

Pages in Merstham recreation ground refurbishment

  1. 1. You are here: Merstham Rec - a park for everyone
  2. 2. Merstham Rec consultation

1. Merstham Rec - a park for everyone

Construction Work

Blakedown Landscapes, our main contractor, will deliver comprehensive works to refurbish Merstham Rec. The upgrade works began on 13 May 2024 and should be complete by end of February 2025.

During this period, the Council and the contractor will be making every effort to minimise any disruption to residents.

The contractor’s site compound will be located and restricted to the northern part of the Rec (adjacent to Merstham Football Club) and access to the site will be from Weldon Way. An area of parking along Weldon Way, by the site entrance, will be occasionally restricted for short periods to allow safe access to the site by large vehicles. Advanced warning will be given to the relevant properties to minimise impact.

Construction hours will be limited from 7:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday and Saturday from 8am to 1pm. There will be no working on Sundays and public holidays.

Construction considerations:

  • during construction, the contractor, will have a site manager and their contact details will be posted at the entrance of the site
  • the site will be secured with Heras fencing and a temporary gate will be installed at the entrance, by Weldon Way
  • all contractor parking will be on site. There should be no overspill onto local roads
  • all construction material deliveries will be booked with the site manager and timings of the deliveries will be coordinated to avoid vehicles waiting on local roads
  • access to Merstham FC will be coordinated and allowed on a regular basis for maintenance operations
  • dust will be kept to a minimum by dust suppression measures, primarily spraying water
  • there will be some noise particularly during the early stage of the project, for example, when the contractor will need to break up the existing hard surfacing and excavate the new ground levels, as well as moving plant and machinery. We will of course look to minimise any noise as far as we can
  • no deliveries will be made before 9.30am or after 2.30pm, Monday to Friday to avoid peak times with the neighbouring school

What's planned

Having consulted extensively with residents, local groups, organisations and sports clubs, the aims of the refurbishment are to encourage:

  • play and fun
  • access for all
  • an asset for the community
  • access to nature
  • improved wellbeing
  • ways to help people be active

Works will include:

  • a new pavilion with a café kiosk, toilets and changing rooms with solar panels and a green roof
  • a new play area with equipment for children of all ages and abilities
  • a parkour course for over 12s
  • an outdoor gym
  • an improved network of footpaths with better accessibility for wheelchairs and buggies
  • a picnic area and community orchard
  • new trees, landscaping and swales to improve drainage.

The new play area will feature a variety of equipment for climbing, sliding, swinging, balancing and being creative. It will also include natural elements and sensory opportunities to provide a fun and challenging play experience for children at different stages of development. It has been designed to be inclusive and accessible, with the aim of achieving PIPA (Plan Inclusive Play Areas) accreditation.

The main facilities will be centrally located in a ‘green heart’ for users’ convenience and to retain plenty of open space for sports pitches.

Football will continue to be the main activity in the Rec with the retention of the various pitch sizes, including:

  • two 11v11 pitches
  • one 9v9 pitch
  • one 5v5 pitch
  • one new 7v7 pitch at the Battlebridge Recreation Ground site.

Download the Merstham Rec project sheet (PDF) for further information.


A total of around £3m of investment will be made into Merstham Rec with funding from Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Surrey County Council, Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy and the government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (Gov.UK).

The Council has secured an additional £500,000 funding for the project from the National Lottery Community Fund which will be used to invest in facilities.

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