Licence and permit fees

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  2. 2. Licensing fees and charges premise/club premises

Please find below a list of our licences and permit fees in alphabetical order. Fees relating to taxi and private hire licences are provided on a separate fee page. If the licence or permit you require isn't included below please email licensing on to enquire further.

Acupuncture, tattooing, micropigmentation, body piercing and electrolysis

Licence type Fee
Registration of applicant per registration £172
Registration of premises per registration £401

Animal related licences

Please see the fee table on our animal licensing webpages

Designated premises supervisor

Please see fee table on the Licensing Fees & Charges Premise/Club Premises page

Gambling Act 2005 premises related fees

Please contact licensing by email on to enquire about the fee(s).

House collection licences

There is no fee payable when applying for a house to house collection licence.

Personal licences

Please see fee table on the Licensing Fees & Charges Premise/Club Premises page.

Premise Licence & Club Premise Certificate

Licence fees are prescribed in regulations (the Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005). Fees vary in relation to non-domestic rateable value banding.

The fees are provided on the  Licensing Fees & Charges Premise/Club Premises page.

Scrap metal dealers licences

Licence type Fee
Site licence, new £440
Site licence, renewal £220
Site licence, variation £135
Collector's licence, new £295
Collector's licence, renewal £150
Collector's licence, variation £135

Sex establishments

Licence type Fee
First application, initial fee £1,814 (Balance payable on final determination of cost)
Transfer, renewal or variation £752

Street collection licences

There is no fee payable when applying for a street collection permit. 

Small society lottery

Licence type Fee
New application £40
Annual renewal (due two months before the anniversary of first grant) £20